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I have no idea what to buy my 15 y.o. daughter. She isn't into clothes. Doesn't want an MP3 player. She plays sports, but neither of her sports involves much equipment. She's pretty neutral on jewelry, but she wouldn't wear it most of the time because she's always playing sports. Isn't allowed to wear makeup, and wouldn't be interested anyway. She does Debate at school. Again, not very equipment intensive. Says she wouldn't mind craft stuff "As long as it takes minimal skill and it doesn't take more than an hour to complete the project". Isn't 'artsy'. She does love Science, but she's well beyond kid type science kits. Has Legos. See above under "craft projects". Likes to read, but I can only buy her so many books. Doesn't really want anything for her room. Isn't interested in anything electronic. She does like computer games - mostly strategy - but hasn't heard of anything new and good that she'd like. ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS????? :confused:

I agree tickets to a sporting event or a concert!!! Or you could get her the mp3 player anyway, she might end up liking it.


Or take her shopping!!! Let her pick what she wants and wrap it up. My mom used to do that for me. She would look at what I liked and either bought it then or cam eback for it when I wasn't with her.


Good luck


At that age.. Does she have a cell phone?

Bath and Body works stuff, Salon hair Products, Shoes, Digital Camera and a photo album with scrapbooking stuff, so she can do her own memories book of her sporting/debating events and also of friends. (she can do that when she feels bored or has time)


Good luck with your search. :)


Do the wallet thing, only use a girl's wallet and put it in a nice purse. Get gift cards, disposable Visa's, McDonalds, Del Taco gift cards, some cash, and put it in the wallet.


Or you could get her a really good bag, a Coach or something she will have forever.

Sports type magazines, or biographys of famous sports people. If she is into science, how about a really good telescope, or microscope (not a kids version) Craft wise why not an inexpensive sewing machine and some simple patterns, for pillows or aprons. Those would be easy projects but not to time consuming and she me develop an interest in sewing other things. My DD is not super big on jewelry either but I have found that one nice piece now and then is good for the girly side of her. Her favorite has been the diamond studs I got her at Kohls and gave to her for her graduation. I hope that helps a little, it seems every year I have at least one child who is more difficult to buy for.

:) I am going to get both her and her sister a prepaid Visa, and a promise to take them clothes shopping to spend it.


But beyond that, it's tough. She isn't interested in music and doesn't want a purse. I asked. Tickets to a sporting event are a good idea. Her Dad wouldn't mind taking her, but she doesn't care for either basketball or football, so I'm not sure what else I could get. She likes magazines, I think I bought her a Discovery subscription last year, she'd probably like something similar. I think she'd rather be drawn and quartered than sew. She's really, really, not very crafty. She already has a digital camera, although I could probably try some scrapbooking stuff, she might like that. I did buy her a locket. We already have a telescope and a microscope. I have plenty of ideas for her sister and brother, but SHE is driving me batty! :eyepoppin


If she likes to read, there's no such thing as too many books.

Maybe you can make up a gift certificate booklet for her, such as "this ticket good for a ride to....." "good for 2 hours of....."? Or, maybe she'd like her room redone to a certain theme?

Sorry, I don't really have any ideas. All the teenagers I know are either crafty or heavy into music and videogames.

She really is tough!! Does she have a bike? I got my DD 18 a video camera, case and accessories. Would she use or want anything like that? DD bought herself an ab lounger, and uses it regularly, so she suggested exercise equipment. Does she have a trampoline or would that be more of a family gift? It is nice to hear of a teen whose list is not a mile long. She is content with what she has, but I know you want to surprise her on Christmas with something she will enjoy but did not think to ask for.

I shopped at http://shop.littlearth.com/ this year for my stepdaughter who is 15. It is a tough age. She isn't pink & girlie, she likes video games and stuff from Hot Topic. I refuse to buy another video game. Little Earth has a bunch of different stuff- we bought her a belt and the Happy Trails Super Cyclone purse. I was disappointed that they didn't have something for an iPOD. (I boought a K. Lianna shoulder bag for myself too)


They are currently running a 20% off through Dec 10.

  sm1kla said:

I shopped at http://shop.littlearth.com/ this year for my stepdaughter who is 15. It is a tough age. She isn't pink & girlie, she likes video games and stuff from Hot Topic. I refuse to buy another video game. Little Earth has a bunch of different stuff- we bought her a belt and the Happy Trails Super Cyclone purse. I was disappointed that they didn't have something for an iPOD. (I boought a K. Lianna shoulder bag for myself too)


They are currently running a 20% off through Dec 10.

They have some really cute stuff - but a $200+ purse?? *I don't have a $200 purse!

o.k., I'm cheap. :fluffy:

  shopping mom said:

She really is tough!! Does she have a bike? I got my DD 18 a video camera, case and accessories. Would she use or want anything like that? DD bought herself an ab lounger, and uses it regularly, so she suggested exercise equipment. Does she have a trampoline or would that be more of a family gift? It is nice to hear of a teen whose list is not a mile long. She is content with what she has, but I know you want to surprise her on Christmas with something she will enjoy but did not think to ask for.

She has a bike. She *might like some excercise equipment. That's not a bad thought at all. She has weight training next semester, and we already have a weight bench, but there are tons of balls, and bands, and funky equipment that she might like. Maybe. At least it's an idea!!!

  carries said:

If she likes to read, there's no such thing as too many books..

You have never seen our house. They enter...but they never leeeeeeeeave. :no:

Until I finally tell them that I'm not buying one more book until there is space on the shelves.

But the kids all do have big lists of books they want. I just need to get her something else, too!!

  me2 said:

She has a bike. She *might like some excercise equipment. That's not a bad thought at all. She has weight training next semester, and we already have a weight bench, but there are tons of balls, and bands, and funky equipment that she might like. Maybe. At least it's an idea!!!

A good pair of training shoes, a good watch with a stop watch, work out clothes, warm up suit Good gym bag, with her name and the highschools name. arm and leg weights, what sport does she play I think i missed that.

  Illinoismom said:

A good pair of training shoes, a good watch with a stop watch, work out clothes, warm up suit Good gym bag, with her name and the highschools name. arm and leg weights, what sport does she play I think i missed that.

She has all of that. She swims. She has a nice specialty bag embroidered with her name on it. She might like arm and leg weights. She absolutely hates to run. I'm going to buy her a new suit,but there's really not a lot of equipment involved in swimming.


My DD is not into jewelry much but she does like her italian charm braclet. The charms are about her or things she likes. They probably have charms for the sports she is into, her initial, birthstone, etc.

Let us know what you come up with. I know you'll think of something soon


Cuddle Chimp? Ha


I agree with the Nintendo DS idea... I work at Sears and it seems only Girls come in and buy those so their not really for guys...

Does she have a car? If so maybe a car stereo?

Down payment on a Car?

Movie Tickets

Bestbuy Gift Card

I love the 80's trivial pursuit... Only 19.99 this weekend at target

  • 2 weeks later...
My 15 year old daughter told me about a game she played with her friends by Cranium called "Pop 5". She said it was "sooo fun". I remembered and it's a gift for her this Christmas.:)

My vote is a sewing machine. My 15 yr. old has a short attention span when it comes down to it but she loves making tote bags and purses with my sewing machine.


How about perfume. Remember the days of Loves Baby Soft? MMM!


Guitar Hero for PS2 is another good 1.


Check out www.Mindware.com lots of science type games and stuff, some aimed at a younger audience, but it might be good for an idea or two! Books in her science area of interest (a friend got Gray's Antamony fash cards for her dd--the medical textbook not the tv show). Or one of those electronic planner things to keep her schedule in (can you tell I use a paper and pencil version :-)

Good Luck!

Since she swims, maybe some cute little Nike flip flops? You can usually get them at your local sporting goods store. It doesn't seem like she's really girly but if she is, maybe a day at your local spa/hair salon. (A haircut, manicure, pedicure) You can usually buy gift certificates so she could go with her friends. Movie ticket gift certificates are always a good idea.

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