SoCalCyclist Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 I was salivating over that 52" RCA TV from WalMart till I read this.
RossMAN Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Moved to Wal-Mart forum since this is regarding a specific BF product. I would search Google by product number for reviews.
rimshot Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 We used to be big RCA fans and we've sworn them off now. We had purchased two, one for ourselves and one for my mother in the nursing home. They both went to heck in a years time. Considering they were different models purchased at different times I think that is a lot more then coincidence.
moms3MONSTERS Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 WOW!! thanks to socalcyclist I will change my shopping list.....Thanks I refuse to pay even decent money for a piece of crap..................
hope1976 Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Just wanted to throw this in as well...our neighbor got a 32 inch RCA tv at Walmart only a couple months ago...they are returning the SECOND one they've had in this 2 months! First one quit working after a couple this one has quit too.
rimshot Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 It's a shame they let their quality slip like they did. We had my grandmothers old RCA console (the pretty one in the wooden case that sat on the floor for you younger readers lol) She purchased this abt. 1976. Would you believe it just finally starting going blue screen 2 years ago?????? 28 years for a tv - beat that? Now you can't guarantee a month on one. Shame on Walmart for pushing garbage.
shar6576 Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 you are sooo right about rca,i bought a 32: at walmart 5 months ago,and the sound seemed to be cutting out noone else noticed it but me,thought i was hearing things,lol.the color isnt that good sons 20 inch is way better,i am really disappointed with rca,they used to be great quality.thanks for the thread,i guess im not crazy after all....
mom_of2boyz Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 rimshot said: It's a shame they let their quality slip like they did. We had my grandmothers old RCA console (the pretty one in the wooden case that sat on the floor for you younger readers lol) She purchased this abt. 1976. Would you believe it just finally starting going blue screen 2 years ago?????? 28 years for a tv - beat that? Now you can't guarantee a month on one.Shame on Walmart for pushing garbage. ??? Walmart is the only store that sells RCA??? I just did a quick web check, Best Buy, Circuit City and Kmart all sell RCA tvs also.
tm37 Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 HAd an RCA last 4 years (32 inch tube) and I will check CR tonight as they has an issue on Projection TV's a while back.
billyhix Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 My old RCA is a 1984 model and doesn't even have a remote control. You know the old kind with a UHF knob and a VHF knob. The picture is still just as good as when I bought it. I basically just use it as a monitor since my VCR and Satellite have remotes. I guess they just don't make em like they used to. I got the opportunity to go through a Wal-Mart return center a few years back and you wouldn't believe the amount of returned electronics sitting in the place. There seemed to be a overwhelming number of the cheaper "off" brand products. Very few of the name brands such as RCA, Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, etc...
Havic Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 I have this same TV mine is 2 1/2 years old. I had issues after the first month called RCA they had a service guy repair it for me and no issues since. I paid $1500 for mine and it is just like the sale one. I think this is insane that they will let a TV like this go for so cheap If your in the market for a Big Screen I would recommend this one.
MonsterMutts Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 I'd rather spend more for a lighter TV.
fuzzylogic Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 That model is the most returned projection screen at my store. At any given time we usually have 2 or 3 in the repair shop and couple more waiting to be sent off.
jackpotladi Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 Our TV repair guy told us he does more repairs on RCA's than any other brand.He thinks they're a piece of crap.
nbrendal Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 My parents have had a 27" RCA SD television sitting in their living room for probably 12 years. It gets a lot of use and is still going strong, I guess the newer models aren't as reliable.
jade#1 Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 this is the same model that bb sold about 2 years ago for 898.00 and last year another store was selling for bf for 898.00 and a few weeks ago i seen it at walmart for 898.00 and i guess they just want to get rid of them at this point because now they are 478.00
tippisangel Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 We don't have an RCA television, but we did have an RCA DVD burner with video player. I thought half of my daughter's dance recital was missing after watching the DVD on the player before trying to hook up another and copy it. My daughter wanted to watch it before taking the DVD back. I put it in our normal DVD player in the living room, and it played perfectly. It had something to do with high speed disc. Contacted RCA and they would not help. They provide no update for their players, they are the only company who do not. We luckily were able to return it because my husband works for the furniture chain we bought it through, so we were not out 200.00. We have told everyone to stay away from their products. The MP3 player at Wal-mart is not even listed on the RCA site anymore, so that means they do not support it.
kmbrly Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 :banghead: Just when I THOUGHT I had a game plan. I was on the fence about even spending $500 on myself. Had myself talked into it, and then I come read this. Back to the drawing board.
rimshot Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 The older RCA's were high quality products. That is why you read how long they lasted. It's the new components that are lackluster at best, garbage at worst. I wouldn't bother buying and loading it in my truck if it was a dollar.
whinchun Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 I guess you take a chance on everything you by
glimmergirl Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 I must have really lucked up DH and I got a RCA, 52' widescreen projection HD two years ago in Feb and we love it. Everyone who comes over comments on the good picture quality. *Knock on wood* it dosen't go down right after I type this. Good luck to all that will purchase.
elena_398 Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 well I was thinking about surprising my husband, but I'd rather skip this one. I want something that will last with that sort of money. Thanks for the heads up
pnutz Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 Well my friend has this same tv and has had no problems what so ever with it, and they are in they're 2nd or 3rd year so far with it.
believet Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 I have a RCA tv Ive had since we got married in 1991. It is still running strong. :)
amdskip Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 RCA was the #1 returned TV during my years of employment with walmart.
elena_398 Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 I remember when RCA was the best brand to buy.
beamer120 Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 I have this TV and it works GREAT!!!!! Never had a single problem and it's great for HD and XBOX.
Kaylenbabysims Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 we got an old 27 inch thats about 8 yrs old and its still working great! BUT we have a 52 inch RCA and well its still working but you have to have it plugged into a box or vcr for the tuner (i think) to work. That went out like 2 yrs ago, although its about 7 yrs old. I think the quality just must of slipped. My grandma has one thats about 20 yrs old thats a RCA and its still ticking away!
livvey Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 I bought a 52 inch RCA 3 years ago. I haven't had any problems with it, the color is great, nothing has been broken. I have 2 toddlers and as parents know, kids can be destructive unintentionally at times, and the TV has withstood them with no problems. The color doesn't look as sharp if you sit close by, but we have it about 10 feet from our couch and the picture quality is very good from that distance. I wouldn't put it in a small room where you couldn't get at least a good 6 feet away from the screen.
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