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Im so excited I can just burst


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OMG .. WE leave today to go to my moms right after I get off of work// I am so excited since that is one step closer to my favorite holiday. No not Thanksigiving but BLACK FRI .. My DH thinks I am like a 4yr old on Christmas eve... :tongue1: I normally go to kmart on Thanksgiving but I dont think I am going this year nothing really in that ad that I want so I guess I will stay put that way I wont make DH go out on Thanksgiving and Black Fri since I am going to drag him out right after Turkey Dinner anyway :rotflol:
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You are not the only one:D My husband thinks I'm crazy, I'm up at 4:00am watching my emails and the GD website. Do anyone have their maps & plans together as of today? ie...Which stores you going to first, second, etc.... :D

I had two plans all made, and then my sister and mother decide they are coming home and want to go out on BF with me!


I won't be able to train my sister and retrain my mother in just a day! I am excited!

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