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When kids say something rude..how do you respond??


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no you're not the only one with greedy children. just last night, dd, dh and i were shopping in walmart. we came across this huge set of play make-up. my dd said "i want that". i told her to put it on her list and ask santa. she says " its not going on my list cuz you are gonna buy it for me now." I said "excuse me little miss, but that is very rude. lose the attitude." and her reply sent me over the edge..... she starts to stomp her feet and says, very loudly. "BUT I WANT IT NOW!" oh my. There was a lady standing right there and said to me" thats quite a kid you got there". and gave a dirty look and walked off. I took my DD around the corner where there wasnt any people and swatted her little butt and told her in a stern voice that i wasnt happy with her and that was very rude. and since she is all drama right now and tends to become a brat this time of year, she starts crying and tells me that i dont love her, i dont think she is pretty. she then stops and tells me she is going to ask her dad and of course, he says no also.


so yes, i feel your pain. its also 2x as bad since her bday is the 28th(like 1.5 weeks away.) She is just draining me, lol.

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I have never known any child that has not been greedy at some point in their life. Hell some adults are still greedy. Kids have to be taught manners and all you can do is explain things to them when they make those comments. I really hate it when other adults make comments about kids when they know very well that their kid was the same way over something or other in their childhood. Some people just have no respect and think they have to right to comment on how you raise your own child. This isn't about being greedy but last weekend when we took our kids to see the new SC3 movie my son was in the restroom and when he came out the door hit a woman who was standing right in front of it well my son does not talk to strangers at all (it took him almost the full school year last year to finally say Hi to his teacher) so my husband said sorry to this woman and she just said "Why don't you teach your kids some manners!" When he told me this story I was so flaming mad she would have gotten an ear full if she said that to me or if he would have told me which lady it was. :gdyelling:
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It's not that kids are rude they are very spontanously (sp) They filter the thought process different, My oldest son one year was very much into mighty Max these came with very little pieces, My mother in law bought him a couple for Christmas and I had to laugh at him, as he open them and was over joyed with the first two when he got to the third one he had already, well by his facial expression my mother in law figured it out, But he looked straight at her and said Grandma how did you know I lost some of the pieces to my other one now I can play with it again. ( he hadnt lost any but he also didnt want to hurt his grandmas feelings)
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When my kids were smaller, I would always have the discussion with them about manners and gift opening BEFORE we got to wherever we were going. A brief reminder beforehand seemed to work wonders with my kids.


And if my kids pull the "I want it now or else" routine .. we march out of the store immediately - even if it's the grocery store and I have a buggy full of food.

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Right now mine are all right when I tell them what they want can be added to their Santa wish list. Only occasionally do they start whining when they want something and can't have it. If they want to have a fit then i just let them have it and tell them that everyone is looking at them and not me... and then they lose a privilege or treat (if they know of it in advance). Mine are young, though, so I know I have plenty to look forward to :rolleyes:
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I always have the talk with the kids before we go somewhere that gifts will be opened. I tell them that if they already have something it's okay, we will either take it back and exchange it or we will find someone who needs it. I also tell them they are to thank the giver no matter what. My kids are pretty good about it, but younger kids are just very honest and don't understand not to say "I have that" I just usually say something like "that's okay won't it be more fun to have 2" (like barbies, polly's, pony's, etc.) and my 4 year old will say very happily oh yes.
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I remind them its the thought that counts. My son's birthday was yesterday and my mom got him his new X-Box controller and game but when he opened his last present it was a new sleeping bag (he will be going to 6th grade camp in the spring so she thought to buy it now). He pretty much didn't care for that one. I reminded him to thank her and appreciate that she thought of him
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I speak to my children before before even going to someones house that they will redieve gifts from. "Even if the gift is not something you like, that is not the point. They spent the time to think of you and shop just for you. So be excited, smile and say thank you." My kids are pretty good. Occasionally I'll have to shoot my 4 year old a death look, and talk to him later about it. If they say something bad about what I get them, then I take it, and explain to them that there are kids that their parents can't afford any presents, So be happy with what you have. I'll give it back later.
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