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How many of you will be taking 1st timers with you this year?


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WEll.. I"m taking my DH. And I've been shopping with him on BF before.. but never during the Early bird.. LOL Its either gonna make him or break him!

I hope make him, cuz I'd like someone to do this with.. kinda boring by yourself. But I still love it with or w/o someone.

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Well this is my first time as a serious shopper. Ive gone out in the past but this year im doing the reseach and making a game plan before I head out. In the years before I would just hit a couple stores with nothing major in mind. Now that I have a house full of kiddos I need as meany good deals as I can get!


My husband is getting really excited. To him is gonna be like a sporting event! Hes can get competative so this should be interesting!

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My sister has decided she and her family are coming home along with my mother and nephews.


My sister wants to go with me on BF! :eyepoppin


I am hoping she won't slow me down. I am going to have her make a list of things she wants to get and tell her noooo window shopping or looking around for things not on the list.


In, out, and off to the next store! I hope she does well. After my last store she will take me back to my place and she will pick up her DH to go shopping with him while I babysit their son.

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Hopefully this year my DH and I will be taking a friend with us BF shopping. She told me a couple of days ago that she was looking foward to going, but she's said that before and backed out at the last minute. Maybe this year will be different, she was on the phone with her mother the other day and her mother hinted around about coming to visit on Thanksgiving weekend. My friend informed her mother that she couldn't come because she won't be home on BF, she will be out shopping with us :tongue1:.
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Last year I took my sister, cause she couldn't figure why I was sooo crazy about it, then she seen the ads, when we got to Wal-mart, an hour early, she was like uhh no fun, but when 5 hit and they ripped off the paper, she was goin crazy, she took her 1 year old with us, everyone started swarin around, so she had no way out, so she started throwing cabbage patches over everyones head, she got the RUSH and wanted out, lol!:eek:
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We always go in a big group...but this year is going to be even bigger. I am taking my hubby this year (he keeps going back and forth on wether he really wants to go or not....but hes going whether he likes it or not!! lol) Im going to pull the pregnancy card and that I need my "Big protective husband" to run interference and make sure I dont get hurt. Im also taking my cousins wife, and a girl I work with. The girl I work with sweats shes a hardcore shopper...but I dont know if I buy it...shes never gone on Black Friday...how hardcore can you be?
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