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Recycled Gifts?


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Every year people get gifts that they don't want or would never use. I am just curious am I the only one that recycles gifts? :g_shrug:


...My mom and I have come up with a little system. :secret: We get gifts (individually) that we know we don't like put a post-it on it that says who gave it to us. Then we re-wrap it and give it away as a last minute gift to someone we don't like or save it for the next year. At first, it was hard to do but then I realized how much money I wasted every year throwing these horrible gifts away or buying something even worse to give to someone.:sidesplit

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I have "regifted" some small items that I knew someone had a use for and would like. I've never really gotten many gifts that I couldn't use tho. One time I did get a cheap sewing machine that wasn't heavy duty enough for my sewing so I gave it as a birthday gift to someone who could use it.
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I regift, my mom and I trade our unusable gifts with each other that way they dont get given back to the same people by accident. I give hers to my dh's side of teh family and she gives mine to her good friends and co workers. Saves so much money that way!
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I always regift. :D


One year my Stepmother-in-law (who is around 55) gave me a green knitted hat and gloves. She doesn't knit, so it was store bought. I know the look on my face had to have been priceless. :lmao: Hubby still teases me about it. I hated the gift, I very seldom wear hats and it sure isn't going to be a ugly green knitted hat that looks like a golf hat. LOL.


Anyways, I regifted it to my mom. :lmao: She loved it.

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I guess I'm pretty fortunate that I don't get too many gifts that I don't like and/or can't use. If it's clothes that I won't wear, I either give them to my mom or exchange them. But the one area where I do re-gift fairly regularly is bath sets!:rolleyes: I keep the lotion and body mist if it's a great scent (the other stuff dries my skin out). All the rest of it gets divided up and given to various people-- usually with other assorted bath items or some makeup, inside a basket or makeup bag. I consider it a perfectly acceptable way of "using" the gift: I use it to re-gift, which saves me money, which means I can use what I saved to buy things I really want/need! :D


What really irritates me though, is I usually get this stuff from people (mainly family) that have previously asked what I'd like-- and I've TOLD them I can't use the bath sets and would prefer just lotions (if they insist on buying that stuff)! Ah, well...:g_shrug:

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i re-gift my mother in law only buys from clearence!!!! I mean i do to,but not everything:cheesy: and i am all about saving money, but you dont give a gift basket from thanksgiving for christmas either <----- just an example, another one is she gave my at the time 5yr old a tin of popcorn with a santa on it for his b-day in JANUARY!!!!:yuck::eyepoppin I dont regift the food though just the stupid little things that i would never wear or put out in my home:D
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I've never regifted but don't see anything wrong with it. However, I had the feeling every Christmas that my late husband's bro and SIL were regifting us with their unwanted wedding presents. It was a huge wedding and the church was packed so I assume they received many nice things. The gifts they gave us were impersonal, not what you'd generally give close family members, and definitely not purchased with us in mind.
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A local radio station posted this.


Regifting rules for the holidays!


Regifting can be risky, but if you follow these rules you can pull it off!


Regift Rule 1 -- Never regift a present you've already used even once, it's just tacky.


Regift Rule 2 -- Inspect before you wrap. Look for things like fingerprints on a bottle of wine, experation dates on food, or missing warranty cards from appliances or electronics.


Regift Rule 3 - Do not go back to the store you know it's from and try to get a bag. Should your giftee go to return it, she'll be in a for an unpleasant surprise when she finds out that product hasn't been in stock for the past two years.


I think it is common sense.

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