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Staples DVD+R Help


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My rebate form and receipt don't have the offer # on them (or an address or phone number, but I digress) . I went to the staples site and printed out the form from the site, but that offer # isn't working for the EasyRebate thing. I was wondering if anyone has a different offer number other than the 04-87544 or if anyone has tried to input this number with the code from the bottom and it actually worked.


TIA :-)


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Hi Michelle,


I ordered my things fron Staples by phone (Sears also, lucky me!). When I did go on that Staples website, I did jot the numbers down. The DVR # was 73844 and the DVR+ # was 41082. Those are the $5 off coupon codes.


Now, for the "easy rebate", you will have to wait to receive the items and the packing slip. There will be #'s that you will use from the slip as well as the item boxes to then get online for the rebates. Hope that helps?

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Ok, thanks--when you get yours would you mind checking to see if the rebate offer on yours is 04-87544? I picked mine up at the store--I had forgotten to add it to the Zire/MP3 player that I ordered this morning, so I just ran in and picked up bundle :-)
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The Staples Easy rebate site is up again and the Teon Offer # is 04-87544 for anyone who didn't have it printed on their sales slip either--It actually works now YIPPEE!!

Great, thanks for letting us know.


This is the spirit of GottaDeal, Hot Dealers helping each other out :yelclap:

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Finally got my Staples rebates processed, now to get the rest mailed in. I wish everyone would do their rebates online.

CostCo allows you to submit rebates 100% online (nothing to mail in), rebate checks arrive 4 weeks later.


If only more rebates were like that.

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Seems like Staples "easy rebates" system crashed and they said the system will be back up Friday. I got my stuff via UPS and tried to use the program and it kept kicking me back to an error page (go figure). I called a CSR and she says that too many hits on the system cause it to crash (how about preparing ahead?).


Anyway, I am torn between just doing the rebates by mail to make sure they are in the system. When I started that, it sent me emails with confirmation #s. Next, to mail in the rebates.<sigh> Maybe I will try to get the program going back on Friday. I am looking at $112 in rebates there (out of $142 total). Wanna parlay that into other bargains (wherever they may roam). ;)

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FYI- the impression I got from the telephone convo with the Staples CSR was that she seemed to think that all the people that submitted the easy rebates up until now MAY have to do them again because of the crash.


If I were ya'all, I would make sure that the processing of your rebates is good to go.

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FYI- the impression I got from the telephone convo with the Staples CSR was that she seemed to think that all the people that submitted the easy rebates up until now MAY have to do them again because of the crash.


If I were ya'all, I would make sure that the processing of your rebates is good to go.

that's not a good news. i was just going to post my good experience with Staples Easy Rebates. but then again i didn't get any kind of error message when i submitted my rebates this morning.


as a matter of fact, the website is working fine for me right now. when was it that you said the website crashed?

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Looks like for whatever reason, the website won't allow me to use the easy rebate system. Maybe because I ordered the items by phone. My packing slip shows 11/28, so I am hoping they realize that I did order on 11/26.


I have had problems in the past with theses guys and I hope the same thing doesn't happen like last year (I waited until MAY for my rebates).


Oh well, now to get them in the mail. This should be interesting on when I will see the rebates. I am betting on end of April or early May. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...
Well everything looked fine for my rebate until a couple of days ago. I got an e-mail saying that I didn't purchase the DVD's on the right day! Well if they were offered on BF how did I not purchase them on the right day!! Give me a break. I predict a long wait on the phone since they haven't answered their e-mails!
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That sounds fairly normal for this company. Good luck on that, don't quit complaining. When they decided to tell me that my check was in the mail through MAY last year, I never stopped calling until I got a CSR manager that actually processed my rebate in less than a week.


I might as well wait until next May again, by the sound of your problem.

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After waiting 1/2 hour on phone, was told that the rebate system was down...I need to call them directly. Now if the system is down why would I call the rebate center directly?? So I waited a couple of days (and cooled down). Called the rebate center 1-866-737-4933 and wasn't even put on hold! Seems that since I submitted the rebate online on the 29th, that's the day they put as being purchased. Simple fix. Guess we'll see how long it takes to get the check.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Staples "easy rebate" process is still a mess. My saga is similar to much of what I read in this thread. I had $65 in rebates due to me from the BF sales plus another $4 from another sale. It has taken at least 3 phone calls to their "store support center" and one visit to a Staples store tying up their store manager for 45 minutes trying to get it straightened out. Staples repeatedly rejected/denied the rebates submitted on line via their "easy rebate" process.


Well, the good and bad news is ... after being reassured that all of the rebates were good, in the system, and cleared to be paid, I received two more postcards telling me the rebates were being denied AGAIN due to invalid purchase dates. These postcards arrived less than a week ago. Yesterday 2 checks arrived totalling $50 for the rebates that the postcards said were being denied -- the Teon DVD+R spindle, and the Maxtor 160GB hard drive.


I'm cashing them fast ! Let's see if their checks bounce ! This whole experience has been way more irritation than $50 worth.


Go figure ... :rant:

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