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PS3 at WalMart???


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My Walmart has signs saying they won't be getting any PS3's on the 17th due to shipping delays/supply issues and they would have them on the 20th.


This really stinks, as now those that have nothing better to do than camp out will have 2 opportunities to stand in line and get even more to sell.

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I was at the Walmart by me and they said they will only start the line at 6pm on the 16th. NO sooner before that. It makes me wonder what they will do when people hoard over to getting in line since I would assume alot of people to show up.

I can just imagine 100 ppl showing up at 6pm .. what a zoo .. someone is bound to get hurt!

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Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on the PS3 situation at Wal-Mart. I work at a supercenter and we had to post a notice today that we might not have any PS3s on the 17th. We will however, offer rainchecks up to the first ten customers. This is because they (the $599 60GB version) are in the current electronics ad stating that there is a minimum of ten per store. I had a feeling that this might happen since I knew two weeks ago how many Wiis our store was recieving, but still had no word on the PS3s.
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my wal-mart is looking at a start time also....i told them from experiance waiting last year for xbox 360 that they would have fights, but hey what do i know. also, not sure about other wal-marts but mine is getting 33 nintendo wii.

An electronics employee at my Walmart said 7 Wii. I felt dumber for having listened to him. There's no way, it's a Super Walmart & it's not possible to have less Wii's than launch 360s. Now 7 PS3s, that I would believe. I'm getting a Wii:yup:

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I talked to the manager at my Walmart about an hour ago, the real manager not a dept manager or sales associate, according to him they will be lucky to get 1 or 2 PS3's and then not even until the 20th. I asked him what they were going to do about the ad that states minimum of 10 per store and he said he wasn't sure yet, maybe rainchecks.


I also asked how they were going to work the whole thing, were they going to use tickets or just open the doors and have a free for all to the electronics counter. At first all he said was it will be first come first served. I told him that didn't really answer my question, told him if there is an organized line all night and then they just open the doors and let everyone in there is going to be trouble. He looked kind of stunned when I asked who I should talk to about the lawsuit if I get trampled in the stampede(wouldn't really do it, but I wanted to get across what it's going to be like if they don't keep it organized). He said he would probably be doing the ticket thing in that case and that he was going to look into it and he gave me a number to call him at tomorrow to find out exactly what's going on.

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I was just at my local Wal-Mart an hour ago and there was a tent with 2 or 3 people living outside. I asked one of the employees what they were doing there (even though I kind of knew) and they said that they were there for the PS3 and they'd been there since Tuesday. Apparently my Wal-Mart is getting 5 copies.


It kind of makes me laugh thinking about how those fools have been living there for two days now, yet I could get in line sometime in the next few hours and I stand just as much of a chance of getting one as they do. :g_laughin

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Our Wal-Mart did this for the 360 and it got a good response. If we have 50 people show up, and there are 10 systems available, this is how we did it. We take numbers 1-50 and put them in a bucket. All 50 people draw a number out of the bucket. The customers with 1-10 will receive a unit. It seem to work without many complaints and was fair to all customers.. since they all had a fair chance of pulling out the 10 numbers.


By the way, our Wal-Mart only received 4 60 Gig and 2 20 Gig. So it will not be a very happy day for customers. :(

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Our Wal-Mart did this for the 360 and it got a good response. If we have 50 people show up, and there are 10 systems available, this is how we did it. We take numbers 1-50 and put them in a bucket. All 50 people draw a number out of the bucket. The customers with 1-10 will receive a unit. It seem to work without many complaints and was fair to all customers.. since they all had a fair chance of pulling out the 10 numbers.


By the way, our Wal-Mart only received 4 60 Gig and 2 20 Gig. So it will not be a very happy day for customers. :(

I don't think the drawing is very fair, it should be the first ten in line that get the system...just my opinion. I am a fan of first come first serve.

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Guest CS.Dean
I was in a Wal-Mart in Georgia a couple of hours ago. I talked with the department manager. They have 10 in stock. To keep the lines down the 6 people who had been in line for 2 days were automatically give a wristband for one. The other 4 will be drawn for at 10 pm tonight. As of 1 pm only about 25 tickets had been givien out. I took one. Hey th market is way up here in Georgia ...1200 to 2000 per system is common.
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well i just came from walmart and its a mad house our walmart is always packed but right now it feels like a tin of sardines in there everybodies waiting for the ps3 and theres like 100 people in line and they were all mad they have like 10 of them the store wanted to do like a raffle but the people in the front of the line dont they feel since they were in line since tuesday it should be first come first served but i dont know whats going to happen i think it should be first come first served and for something like that no saving a spot in line
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Guest CS.Dean
the local Wal-Mart district manager has told all stores around to NOT have lines. They resorted to the drawing thing here. The ones that had been in line longest ( 4 to 6 per store ) were given autoamtic places in line for the 10 that will be sold.
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Authorities Shut Down Wal-Mart after Playstation 3 Crowd Gets Too Rowdy

Last Edited: Thursday, 16 Nov 2006, 1:12 AM PST

Created: Thursday, 16 Nov 2006, 1:02 AM PST

FOX11 News



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Sheriff’s deputies shut down a Super Wal-Mart in Palmdale when a crowd that had gathered to wait for the new Sony PlayStation 3 gaming console turned rowdy, authorities said today.


Deputies were called to the store, at 40130 10th Street West, at 10:35 p.m. yesterday, said Sgt. Anthony Gunn of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Palmdale Station.


According to a Wal-Mart security official who declined to give her full name, a crowd of about 75 to 100 people had grown restless while waiting outside.


As the situation got out of hand, some of the waiting customers began running around inside the store, she said.


“It was just bad,” she said, adding that no one was injured and apparently no property was damaged or stolen.


Deputies decided to shut the store down for the evening and disperse the crowd outside, the security official said.


“1/8Deputies3/8 told them to go home or they were going to start arresting people,” she said.


The Wal-Mart will reopen at 7 a.m. today, according to the security official.


Stores will begin selling the PlayStation 3 on Friday. The consoles will be released in two versions, a low-end one selling for $500 and a high-end one with triple the hard-drive space selling for $600.


In addition to playing games, the PlayStation 3 features a built-in Web browser, wireless Internet and a built-in Blu-ray player. It was originally scheduled to hit stores last spring, but, to the frustration of gaming fans, Sony delayed its release, citing technology issues.

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Our store got 4 total 2 of each style they put two out for display which leaves 2 for the shoppers. There are 12 people in line they are waiting outside the store and freezing their ears off we are in Wisconsin where it is cold. They were told they have to stay outside til midnight. Ours is a 24 hour supercenter. They will have 8 vouchers besides the 2 game systems to give out.
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We already have master threads for all of the game systems (and Elmo) so please keep all discussion in them:






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