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How many of you are already camped out in line for that BF deal?


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Im not sure if I would camp out like people with Best Buy. I usually go out by midnight so thats earliest I will. I've never been to Best Buy first. Walmart yes though. Mine is open 24 hours and I go to the one people seem to forget about. The new one that was built is where everyone seems to run too.
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I did CC last year (first year) and it was much better than I thought. I got there early (9ish) and there were already people there. I was able to meet some nice people and there's sort of a special bond between the early people that just doesn't happen with getting there later. Maybe it was all in my head -- but it was fun -- almost as much fun as getting what I wanted!



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Was at BB last BF by 9-ish. 2nd in line not bad, until...the below zero weather hit dang toes got frost bite OUCH!:( LOL, learned my lesson though, not going out at 9pm anymore. Gonna shoot for before nine and dress warmer!...lol Counting the days for sure!
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