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WalMart Ad


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OK for anyone in or near Mentor Ohio our ad has Symphonic DVD/CD player for $27.87 remote included. An Apex 5.6 in Portable DVD Player (w/ rechargeable lithuim battery & car adapter) for $99.74. A 27in flat screen tv for 178.88 (no brand name given or seen). They must do the regional thing like others have stated. Hope this helps someone! ;)


PS I'm glad you are back up and running Brad & Ross!!! I was starting to go stir crazy!

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Yep.. what motoXmom said! :giggle: I am in northern Indiana, and we have the apex in the ad as well as the symphonic dvd player. It all depends on location. I'm shocked I got an ad! :yelclap: Other than that, there wasn't much difference in the ad. With the exception of about 8 or so more pages for regular sales etc. I also got the Meijer's Thanksgiving ad today and Kmarts Thanksgiving ad. Not much in either for me.
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