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Teachers Gifts-What do you get, how much do you spend?


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I stopped giving the "teacher" gift when I heard from teachers that so many of them got just too much stuff! I was at a garage sale of a teacher once and I had never seen so many cups etc.


If I can give a gift, I give to the class something they need, or a gift for them like a gc.

This reminded me... one year I was at a garage sale where the lady was a retired teacher. She said it killed her to sell this stuff because she knew each one was given with love and remembered the look on the childs face, how proud they were when they handed her their gift. She would pick up something and you could just see it in her face when she was telling me about who gave it to her and how each one made her feel. It was very sad really. She told me she was just getting too old and moving down South so if she didn't sell it and see that it went to someone that wanted it,if something happened to her they (her family) would probably throw it all out. She said over the years people would ask why do you still have this or that and she would say to them if your child gave it to you would you throw it out. She was such a nice woman, I spent quite a bit of time there talking with her. And yes I did buy a lot of stuff and used some of the Christmas decorations for the wreaths I make for the Humane Societys Bingo Christmas Party, about 15 of them so I needed a ton of stuff. ;)


Oh sorry didn't mean to get so far off topic. I just thought it was sweet she held onto so much for so many years. I can see how it would all add up! And Yes she did have a LOT of coffee mugs! ;) The more I think about it I may give DS teacher a Gift Cert. so he can pick out what he'd like.

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my son's teacher is pregnant and is due in the spring, i was thinking of giving something for the baby but don't know if thats a good idea. does anyone have any thoughts on this one? thanks for the help. as for the other teachers we try to find out things they like then get it. his favorite teacher is his science teacher so we gave him a fossil that he really liked and kept it in the class to show the students.
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My first year for teacher gifts, I thought I was so creative, until I got to the school and saw all the holiday mugs with chocolates - then reality set in. Imagine a class of 25 students and the amount of mugs, candles & lotion you would receive through your career.


Last year, my youngest son's pre-school teachers (3) told the party committee moms that they appreciate the gifts from the children, but they would rather have us make a donation to a charitable organization in the school's name. I'm thinking of starting this as my standard teacher gift, any thoughts?

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Teachers really do appreciate all of the gifts they receive. We do receive a lot of the same stuff though. Last year I received 4 candles and 6 bottles of lotion! I think gift cards are a great gift whether they are for the teacher to use personally or to use for the classroom. Gift cards for a teacher's store, Walmart, Target, or a dollar store are always well spent! The average teacher spends about $500 of his or her personal money each year for school purposes. Some teachers spend significantly more so we definitely appreciate the practicality of gift cards!


To be honest though, the best gift I received last year still hangs on my refridgerator. One of the students in my class drew a picture of me with the heading "Best Teacher EVER!!!" It brought tears to my eyes!

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