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Gameboy DS, is this a good deal?


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Hi everyone, I am planning on purchasing a gameboy DS for my daughter. I thought I would wait until BF and see what kind of deals might pop up. I was at TRU earlier and they have a GB DS bundle that includes the gameboy, a starter package(earpiece, case, etc) and two games for $159. This sounds pretty good. I have never participated in BF and am wondering if I might get a better deal then or if I should just purchase it now. What do you think?
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Its the DS Light, you can choose the color: white, pink or black,

the games are Shrek Superslam and Over the Hedge and it has the starter kit.


My daughter asked for the GB SP because her older sisters have it and I thought I would surprise her with the DS. I didnt know they had a new one...the Light until they told me at TRU.


I don't mind waiting and if they are sold out I could always buy the older DS because she isnt expecting it at all. I was just wondering if y'all thought I could get a better deal.

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That seems pretty warm. Since you're not in a hurry I would wait.


Even if you don't buy it during BF wait for a sale and possible a TRU coupon book. Those combined savings could shave around $30 off your bundle.


Here's a DS Lite bundle for $10 less but only one game and it isn't as kid friendly.


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Hi everyone, I am planning on purchasing a gameboy DS for my daughter. I thought I would wait until BF and see what kind of deals might pop up. I was at TRU earlier and they have a GB DS bundle that includes the gameboy, a starter package(earpiece, case, etc) and two games for $159. This sounds pretty good. I have never participated in BF and am wondering if I might get a better deal then or if I should just purchase it now. What do you think?

I guess you could purchase it now and then take it back later if you find a better deal. What is TRU's return policy?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
There will not be any deals on BF on the new Nintendo DS Lite...and this is the one you want to buy...do NOT buy the older big brick DS. We have 2 DS Lites and 3 old DS's in our house...dumping the 3 older ones and buying 3 more of the new DS Lites!!! There is no comparision between the two!! I also am info on some neat little add-ons for the DS that could save your thousands of dollars!! PM me for details.
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I think the DS Lite at TRU is a pretty decent deal. Plus if you get it now, they are running the offer when you spend $75 or more you get a $10 gift card to use on your next pruchase before the end of the year. If you are looking for the pink color, I would get that now. I suspect that may be hard to find as time goes on. Just my thoughts.
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Thank you so much brynnfromtheblock for posting about the Nintendo DS being at Brandsmart! I've been wanting a Nintendo DS for the longest time but my parents didn't want to buy it because of the price. But since Brandsmart is selling it for $88, my mom and I were able to pick one up today (there were only 3 left too!)! And Coniconi, it is brand new in box. Just like if you were buying it from Walmart or Toysrus. :D
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Thank you so much brynnfromtheblock for posting about the Nintendo DS being at Brandsmart! I've been wanting a Nintendo DS for the longest time but my parents didn't want to buy it because of the price. But since Brandsmart is selling it for $88, my mom and I were able to pick one up today (there were only 3 left too!)! And Coniconi, it is brand new in box. Just like if you were buying it from Walmart or Toysrus. :D

I'm so jealous you guys. I'm not living in GA or Florida. I'm in NJ.

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I love Brandsmart... their ad never gets posted before BF (I guess because it's in such a limited place). We got the GBASP for my oldest daughter on BF year before last for 49.99, (which was when they were new) and they're still at 79.99 today regular priced. I'm hoping they'll have a BF deal even better than the ones that are in the paper this week (Care Bear if you can hold on don't open your DS just in case) 'cause I need another one. We also got the IPOD shuffle for cheap last year too... The best thing about Brandsmart though is when they advertise these deals, they say how many they have and there is usually a ton. With the GBASP's 2 years ago they had 200 of them, we got there just as the doors were opening after waiting all night at BB for the 149.00 desktop and snagged 2 of them.
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Thanks for the tip brynnfromtheblock. I'm not allowed to open it until Christmas so it will definetely be kept closed. And if Brandsmart does have a better deal for it on BF, like you, I'm going to take it back to get it for the advertised amount if it's cheaper.
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