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Help with Black Friday Survival kit


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Comfortable shoes.

Above all, comfortable shoes will make the day much better. You'll eventually get warm, fed, etc...but the feet will take a while to recover from bad shoes.


I usually take my PDA, which replaces the paper / pen, games, etc... Plus, I can load my GottaDeal BF shopping list directly to it. :yup:

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I take cell phone with me every year. Drinking and me waiting in line.. does not get along well. Gonna have to try the hand warmer things this year. Don't know why I never thought of that before since it's beyond freezing here each year. Might get some extra's and duct tape them together and line the inside of my coat. :D
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I take my husband, and I take our walkie-talkies. MUCH better than cells. I just can't figure out how to make my husband use the walkie-talkie. It took 2 years to get him to carry it, and he still won't turn it on. Any ideas? I would have thought that after the year he pushed the trampoline around for 2 hours he would have caught on.


Also, since we have such a small town, BF is like a reunion. Our Swalmart started staying open all night before BF last year, so we all get there around 2, look for each other,and talk and walk for a while. Then we all divide up go stand by the pallets we want and take orders. We keep a running count of how many we need, then we all meet in grocery and divide them up. (ALWAYS put the 2 biggest and meanest on cabbage patch and large stuffed care bears)

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A biggy....I agree no purse whatsoever...I use a fanny pack that actually fits under my sweater and coat, in the fanny pack I keep an extra copy of sales ad, extra key for car, and also separate my cash and credit cards so one or the other doesn't fall out when getting to the cashier. I put all my receipts in the back zipper compartment for safe keeping and the pack doesn't come off until I am done for the day.

Attitude, keep it cool and know what you are looking for and go for it! Don't let one loss keep you from being successful.

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-snacks and drinks to keep your energy up

-comfortable shoes

-comfortable clothes

-scruncci (no way I'm dealing with this long hair on BF)

-sale ads

-a list of exactly what items you're going for (you can get others, but it's nice to have a list that you can remember)

-I take my X-mas list with me

-money or CC!!


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