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What gift are you the most excited about giving.

shopping mom

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I know many put away gifts throughout the year, and many of us are already shopping for the holidays. I was wondering what are you the most excited to give and to who? I am excited about the FP3 player from Fisher Price. I know it something my three year old will love. I am also excited about putting together the Wallet idea for DS and my FIL posted in another thread.
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Yes, for some reason Circuit City rang up at $119 instead of the $150 price. My mom paid for it with her cash and they didn't say anything. I went and asked for them to price check. It rang up at the $150 price. Not sure what happened, but Im happy my mom was able to save so much.
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DH recently found his 3 younger sisters who had been taken from his mother and given up for adoption (long story, mother had mental disabilities). I am making each of them a scrapbook full of their baby pics and family pics, since they don't ahve any pics of themselves from before they were adopted. I hope they all love it.
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DH recently found his 3 younger sisters who had been taken from his mother and given up for adoption (long story, mother had mental disabilities). I am making each of them a scrapbook full of their baby pics and family pics, since they don't ahve any pics of themselves from before they were adopted. I hope they all love it.

what an awesome idea:gdthums:

I can't imagine how excited/happy they will be. You are the only

one who can give them back those memories.

You are an :angel1:

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I am very excited about giving our oldest son a new laptop. He will be going away to college next year and we thought he needed one, so I am hoping to get a good deal on one BF, but if not I will just suffer and buy one anyway.LOL


Just FYI (I learned from experience) I bought my son a Toshiba laptop

in the thoought of him having it for college. Most colleges that he

looked into/got into required you to buy their specific laptop. He needed

to buy a specific Dell laptop for his school and it comes with all the

required (school software/programs). Just FYI as we learned the hard


One of his roommates bought his own laptop (an HP) and he is always

needing to look at somebody elses with the specific software etc.

I know it is a racket but what can you do:confused:

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Just FYI (I learned from experience) I bought my son a Toshiba laptop

in the thoought of him having it for college. Most colleges that he

looked into/got into required you to buy their specific laptop. He needed

to buy a specific Dell laptop for his school and it comes with all the

required (school software/programs). Just FYI as we learned the hard


One of his roommates bought his own laptop (an HP) and he is always

needing to look at somebody elses with the specific software etc.

I know it is a racket but what can you do:confused:

My daughter too her lap top to college and all we had to do was buy the software from the school to upload on her computer. The school did offer computers but we got a better deal at Best Buy

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I can't wait to give my son his electric dirt bike. He is going to be so excited. For my daughter, I can't wait to give her the mp3 player she has been wanting for about 6 months now. (Of course I haven't bought it yet so I don't know what it's gonna be..lol)
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Usually it's gifts I have made for someone that have deep emotional meaning. Like the book I had made for my aunt last year, that had photos of her, and many people in our family that passed years ago. She didn't even know these pictures existed,some were taken more than 40 & 50 years ago. It really was a touching moment for all of us, I still get emotional when I think about it.




This year I'm very excited about getting my daughter her own Baritone and my son a drum set, even though I'm sure I am going to regret it about 20 minutes after they open them.

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My mother loved bangles when she was younger, and during a move a few years back they were lost.


She had surgery this summer and her tech wore bangles and that is all my mother could talk about.


I can't wait to give her the bangles I found for her.

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Ok I'll tell, but I hope DH doesn't find this...He absolutely loves the movie My Fair Lady and he has always wanted the barbie of her in the Ascot Dress. I found it for a great price so I got it for him :D Also my sister and I both love animaniacs and I have an animaniacs cookie jar that she has been drooling over since I got it (she always asks me when it will be hers) anyway I am going to give it to her this christmas, I know she will absolutely love it :D Those are the 2 gifts that I am most excited about
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I'm most excited about the photo gifts I give to friends and family (calendars, dvds, calendar mousepads, etc.) Those get the biggest smiles year after year more so than the big, expensive gifts.. :D

I am with you. My mil has been at us for two years to get a family pic. What she doesn't know is that a couple weeks ago we went to the arboretum and took alot of family photos and individual pics and I had them printed on the collage, coastres, mousepad, shirt. I don't knbow what else. they are definately going to be tired of looking at us. ;)


Best part is that they were all FREE from the Kodak/lay's sweeps!

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