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Decorations up year-round?


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Do you leave any of your Christmas decorations up year-round? :holiday07


A friend of my dad's has a room toward the front of his house that is not regularly used that he keeps decorated for Christmas all year long. Christmas tree, decorations, the works. It's not for storage purposes, it is actually his "Christmas Room." He goes in every so often to dust & straighten things up, but doesn't really use the room until the holidays when friends & family come over.


It's funny to me because when I was over at his house one day during the summer helping him do some yard work, I walked by the window and noticed the tree. I just had to ask him what the deal was. He said one year he didn't feel like taking all the decorations down, so he just left them, and they have been there ever since. :holiday03

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No I don't leave any decorations out. A month is enough for me then I'm ready to take it all down and put it all away until the next year. I guess that is why I like decorating and get excited to decorate when Christmas does roll around because I only do it for a short while and it's something different to look at thru out the house for a change.
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No, one time we did leave our tree up until March because it's just a PITA to take down. I was waiting on Jamie to take it down and he was waiting on me to take it down. Anyway, I was out shopping one day and he called to see if I cared if he invited some friends over to play poker. I said sure as long as he took the tree down first. He took it down, we had a poker game that night and everyone was happy. :D
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We do leave our outside lights up, I had to make a compromise with my husband. He said he would put them up, and had to actually tie himself to the chimney to do it, but I had to agree that they would stay up, until they rotted off the house.:tongue1:
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Sadly our outside lights have been up for two years now. We keep saying we are going to move and I have new lights I bought a few years back for the "new" house. DH said he wasn't taking them down if we weren't going to use them when we move. Now if we could just find a house we can agree on. :sidesplit
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We do leave our outside lights up, I had to make a compromise with my husband. He said he would put them up, and had to actually tie himself to the chimney to do it, but I had to agree that they would stay up, until they rotted off the house.:tongue1:

OMG you just reminded me! There is a house that I pass by on my way home from work that has those icicle lights around the top of the house, and they leave them lit up all year long. :confused:

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OMG you just reminded me! There is a house that I pass by on my way home from work that has those icicle lights around the top of the house on all year long. :confused:

I have some friends who have icicle lights up on their porch all year round. They even moved their doublewide mobile home a few months ago and didn't even take them down. :confused:

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Nope, I like the whole prep and work of putting things up and taking them down(not as much as putting them up of course!). If I had a big house that I put alot of lights up on maybe I would end up leaving them up too. On base though we have to have them off by a specific date, not like they inforce it lol.
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unless someone accidently(or as a prank) plugs them into the front porch light


My husband removes the extension cords after Xmas so they CAN"T be pugged in. I mentioned once I thought about plugging them in on the 4th of July......apparenlty he wasn't down with that:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nope thats one of my pet peeves as well... it has to come down when Christmas is over.... although we do have a huge 3 foot wreath that is on the peak of our house we cant get down so it stays up.... not plugged in of course.

As you can see here its a little high up there to get down just yet... we need a ladder!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Leaving Christmas lights up all year is hard on the lights. They are designed to be used and exposed for a short while only -- not all year. While I sympathize with those that do not want to put lights up and take them down every year, that's the only way to keep lights functioning properly -- they look horrible during the off-season; if they are colored, they fade; and the wires are not designed for direct heat and light year-round.
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We put it all away with the exception of a small nativity scene. It is a small knick knack only a few inches big. My dd (4 tommorow) had such a fit last year when we were putting Christmas things away that I said she could keep one decoration out. She picked this nativity, she changes its spot daily and it ends up in different rooms. It is her daily thing.
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I have often wished that I could have someplace to store the tree already decorated and just bring it out... but somehow that would take some of the magic of Christmas away - if you really think about it. Sure - it's a pain lugging all the decorations down and putting them up and then taking them down again... but we only have SO MANY Christmas days in our lifetime... so, it's worth it - to me.
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I had a friend who would move her fully decorated tree to a spare bedroom and cover it with a sheet until it was time to put it out for the next Christmas. For me decorating the tree is a big part of the holiday. I find Christmas music on the radio, make hot cider or cocoa and spend a couple of hours hanging 300+ ornaments.
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