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Guest JeepMom
Wal mart kept delaying shipping on different games so I called again today. They are canceling 7 of the games, one already shipped. They said even if they do ship because of computer delays I can return them to the store. This man was much nicer than the woman I spoke with the other day!
My mom went to Target for me today and they only had THREE systems. She also went to Circuit City (who had them in their ad!) to be told they did not get any in. That doesn't seem right! The line at TRU snaked around the building and people were leaving, so she didn't stay. I guess we'll try WM later in the week. Geez, the things we do for our kids!
I don't do the stand in line thing. I don't have patience like that. I talked to 3 managers on the phone and that was enough for me to decide to look online until I found one. I looked online for 3 days and got one for my son. Then looked again for another day and scored another one for a friend. Much easier than standing in line.
No patience for the line thing either or the searching. The day they came out I stalked all the ebay Wii auctions and luckily managed to get one with Zelda for $50 over retail. Well worth the extra $$...
  decafmom said:

My mom went to Target for me today and they only had THREE systems. She also went to Circuit City (who had them in their ad!) to be told they did not get any in. That doesn't seem right! The line at TRU snaked around the building and people were leaving, so she didn't stay. I guess we'll try WM later in the week. Geez, the things we do for our kids!

LOL You can say that again. It never fails though, every Christmas there is some toy that they have to have and is hard to get but I always get it.


whew finally scored one. Got to target in downtown Chicago at about 6:45, a very nice gentlemen organized a list to keep things in order. I was #10. They had 28. Was a very nice experience, I would like to thank the guy that put the list together.




edited to add, the nice people of target let us wait at an indoor area so that we dont have to freeze. The security and its staff was really nice.

  gryphon said:

Where did you score them online?

Best Buy didn't sell any today. I think they're holding them for next week for some reason.

I got them both from TRU.

  Passthecrablegs said:

LOL You can say that again. It never fails though, every Christmas there is some toy that they have to have and is hard to get but I always get it.

I think they do it on purpose because they know people/kids will continue to want the new thing.

I got to my Target right at 8:00 this morning. I didn't need the system just the extra controllers. I go to the back and they had all the remote behind the counter and when I explained to them that I only needed the controllers, they told me that the people buying the systems had first chance at them and that I needed to wait in line to see if there were any left. Needless to say there wasn't any left:mad:. I really don't think that was fair. The controllers were separate from the system and I also had a raincheck for them from the launch date and I still wasn't able to get them. I ended up going to Walmart for one and TRU for the other one. I'm glad I got what I needed, but I'm PO with the way Target handled things this morning.
  nursetink said:

I scored one at Target this morning. I arrived at 6:40, was 8th in line, and they had 21! I was happy to get one.



Wow you were lucky. Our target had 24 of them and I got there at 2:30 this morning and was fifth in line. Some of them had been there since 10:00 last night. If you didn't get there by 5:00 am you didn't get one. Glad to finally get one. Good luck to everybody still looking.


I was at my local CC for another reason, but they did get in Wiis today but they had already sold out by the time I was there. I was more interested in the fact that the CSR stated that they don't expect another shipment until after the holidays. As far as controllers, they had the remote but no nunchuks. You can order the nunchuk from Nintendo's site, but they do not expect to ship until Dec 18.


Good luck to all still in the hunt.

Guest Deals4Mommy

I went to TRU in Chicago to get one for a friend. I woke up at 7am and had to hurry and get dressed because I knew there would already be a line as the store opened at 9. Well, needless to say, I missed out. As I approached the line, the manager was alreay passing out tickets at a little before 8 and they only had 37 systems. What I'm p/o about is that a worker told me the night before that they had 66 systems in stock. This person went and counted for me and told me they had 22 boxes and each box holds 3. Sounds like TRU is up to some sneaky stuff. Well, it's my fault for oversleeping as I plained on getting in line around 6:30.


I went to Circuit City right after as they opened at 10 but after waiting an hour for them to pass out tickets, they only had 25 so I missed out there, as well.


Didn't realize how hard it would be to purchase the Wii and I definitely underestimated the people that would brave this almost below zero weather to stand in line for one.:gdchatter::gdfrozen:

Guest Deals4Mommy
FYI: Target has the best warranty for their Wiis. 3 years for $24.99 is what a manager told me.
since it is soooo hard to find the wii, and walmart will release it on 12/6...should I try and get one on line on the 5th at midnite? or do you think the superwalmart will release it on the 5th at midnite??? any suggestions???
I scored mine at a Circuit City in southern Indiana this morning. I got in line at 5:30 a.m. and they opened at 10:00 am. I was 9th in line and they got 15. I also got an extra nunchuck and remote! I am so glad I do not have to wait in any more lines in freezing weather. Now I can rest and enjoy Christmas.............
  jmm1014 said:

since it is soooo hard to find the wii, and walmart will release it on 12/6...should I try and get one on line on the 5th at midnite? or do you think the superwalmart will release it on the 5th at midnite??? any suggestions???

our walmart has sign up in the electronice depatment saying they will have the wii on december 6 at 8:00 am. It is a 24 hour walmart supercenter. Don't know why 8am:confused:

At the Wal-Mart's in my areas they have a sign saying that they will be available at 8 am, and these are 24 hr stores. Best Buy will advertise the Wii in their ad of the 17th. All units are being held for the release of this ad. EB is receiving units throughout the week on non-specific days. Target is receiving trucks every night with shipments but they do not know what is coming in each truck but do expect more Wii's this week. What is happennig at all stores is that people are waiting each morning for opening and checking whether the store has received them.
I must say the midweek 8 am release at Walmart is very poor planning. Parents are getting the kids off to school at that hour. Sure cuts out part of the shoppers. I hope that the 24 hr Super Cents reconsider for those parents and offer it at 12:01

I got my system at Target. It was 12 degrees and I was very happy after an hour and a half when they came out and give us line numbers 45 minutes early.


Just an FYI for those in the Kansas City, MO area. I was over at Wal-Mart in Independence and asked when they planned to lease theirs on Wednesday and was told that they'd just found at this morning that they would actually not have any. Rumor was they only were going to have 3 (from others I'd talked to) so I don't know. I also heard rumor that the Blue Springs store would have 20.

Guest JeepMom

I called UPS, they are going to hold mine at the hub and I am going to send my dh to go pick it up on his way home from work. This UPS is known for putting stuff on a truck and then taking it back after hours when they don't get it delivered.


We figure if we pick it up ourselves we're sure to get it and be plaing tomorrow night.

I got my system at Target this morning. I got there around 7:30 and there was a pretty long line. They started handing out tickets just ahead of 8:00. Our Target had 160 and I was number 90. It was a great experience. They let us in right after they handed out the tickets and I was on my way home well before 9:00. Good Luck to everyone still looking. I hope you all find one!
  LSoldevila said:

Best Buy will advertise the Wii in their ad of the 17th. All units are being held for the release of this ad. E

Does this mean they won't be releasing any next Sunday (the 10th) either?
I am trying to get a Wii for my son and I am not sure about how to go about this. I am in Va. and last week Gamestop was to have several of them on Friday, I went 2 hours early only to learn at 12:30pm when he UPS guy made the delivery they only received 3 systems, of course I was much farther back in line, and did not get one. When I call or go to the stores everyone is very vague about when and and how many they will get. Does anyone know if the Best Buy ad for the 17th is at ALL best buys or just in certain areas of the U.S. Any help will be appreciated, as I don't want to screw up my sons Christmas morning by not having gotten him the top thing on his list:confused Thanks to all
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