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Craziest story from a past Black Friday


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Each BF eve, I used to stop into Staples to see where they set up the good stuff and how much they had.  A few years back, I was shopping for a $99.99 32" LCD.  I didn't see any so I asked the manager about the item.  He said they only had one and it wasn't out yet.  I asked where they were going to put it and he advised me to sleep in and grab one off line for the same price minus a $10 coupon.  So I slept in.  Next morning I head to Staples when my order is ready.  While I am checking out, I hear a familiar voice.  It's a guy I usually stood in line with.  He slept in too.  We shopped Staples then Home Depot then Walmart (all in the same shopping center).  His phone rings.  He says, "Guess who I'm shopping with?"  Then, "How did you know?"  BF used to be fun.

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One Black Friday morning in the wee hours my kid went outside to get a jacket from a vehicle (I think?) that would be needed later when Black Friday shopping with my hubby.  Kid got locked out accidentally and didn't want to wake us up, so spent some time outside on the lawn furniture in the back yard.  Apparently it was (at least somewhat) worth the cold because an owl was spotted, and that was cool.  My hubby would get up early and sometimes take a kid or two with him shopping when they were older and wanted to go.  I think this was the same year that I met up with hubby later (at a sane hour) and kid that went with hubby was telling older sibling that came with me all the great deals they got, which was unfortunate because some of those deals were Christmas presents that wouldn't be a surprise now.  


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Craziest thing I have seen was back in 2016 or 2017 when Black Friday was on Thanksgiving. This rude lady kept going around to pallets and cutting the plastic and grabbing whatever she wanted. We were waiting on a 65 inch flat screen tv. She cut the plastic to it and my husband had pointed it out to the employee what she was trying to do. The employee just shrugged her shoulders and started laughing about it. The lady got into the plastic and went to pull at one of the tvs and 6 of them fell on her. She was bleeding from her head and threatening to sue Walmart. They had EMT come out and had to have police escort her to the ambulance. They ended up taking the pallet off the floor and said they couldn't sell them (thankfully they had another pallet of them out). The next year is when they started giving out the bracelets to purchase them and then you had to drive around to the back to have an employee load it into your vehicle. I always wondered if she ended up suing them since it seems their policies changed the next year on getting big tvs on BF. 

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I remember one year we were waiting in line out in the freezing cold at walmart. Police would drive up and down the line so people wouldn't cut in line and remain orderly. All of the sudden my sister and I  hear people arguing. A pregnant lady was yelling at someone. A fight broke out and the police came and arrested some folks, including the pregnant woman. Wow, they couldn't even wait until they got IN the store to start fighting!

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A SUPER LONG time ago in a mall far away...was my first BF that I remember going out in the wild.


My mom, sisters, and I went to Denny's (they were the only place open back then) at I think 3am.  We had all the flyers all over the table and were making our game plan.  Stores opened at 7 back then and it was early.  


KB Toys still existed so that was our first stop, since we still had littles.  The Furby craze was going on and they had some.  Folks were yelling and pushing trying to get one.  Some man looked me in the eye, grabbed my shoulders and said "Ready?"  I said "Go!"  and he literally shoved me through the crowd, I grabbed two and he pulled me back out.  He got one and I got one.  Never saw him again.  Was being offered hundreds for the one I had.  


Thank you random man for helping me get my little brother his gift that year.

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Not crazy, but where I used to live there were 2 Targets near each other and one was also next to Walmart. Went to the 1st and got what I needed. Stopped by the other one before going to Walmart when my stomach started cramping. I needed aspirin but eyeing the long line I wasn't sure what to do. Then suddenly there was an employee in the medicine aisle! I asked if I could check out in pharmacy and had to promise him I was only buying aspirin lol He was a bit suspicious. I was sooo grateful for that guy! And I felt better and was able to make it through the rest of the night!

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On 11/14/2023 at 12:53 PM, setlok73 said:

A SUPER LONG time ago in a mall far away...was my first BF that I remember going out in the wild.


My mom, sisters, and I went to Denny's (they were the only place open back then) at I think 3am.  We had all the flyers all over the table and were making our game plan.  Stores opened at 7 back then and it was early.  


KB Toys still existed so that was our first stop, since we still had littles.  The Furby craze was going on and they had some.  Folks were yelling and pushing trying to get one.  Some man looked me in the eye, grabbed my shoulders and said "Ready?"  I said "Go!"  and he literally shoved me through the crowd, I grabbed two and he pulled me back out.  He got one and I got one.  Never saw him again.  Was being offered hundreds for the one I had.  


Thank you random man for helping me get my little brother his gift that year.

I had a Furby story at Kaybee Toys as well. I arrived early and saw the line was too long so went across the parking lot to wait for Target instead. Turned out that someone had put super glue in the locks to the toy store and they didn’t open until noon that day. They had to have a locksmith open the doors. I got my Furbys at Target that year by being first in line there because the line at Kaybee was too long 

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One year, early on in our BF shopping experience, my sister and I headed to KayBee Toys at the Mall in the next town over from where we lived. We get to the mall and there are NO cars in the parking lot. We're thinking this is actually great because we'll be able to get what we want because we are there SO early. As it got closer and closer to the time for the sale to start, there's still no one showing up to the mall. This was before everyone had a cell phone, but I happened to work for Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems so I had one as an employee perk (got a whole 30 minutes a month! LOL), so we called information to get the number to the store to make sure we had the sale times correct. Turns out there was not even a KayBee Toys AT that mall. So we booked it from Norman to OKC, but of course by the time we go there the line was so long there was no chance of getting in. Toys R Us was right across the street from the Mall, so we headed over there to wait for them to open their doors. 

I can't remember what we were after that year, but the experience is one we aren't likely to forget.

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Back in the Black Friday glory days, my mom, my two younger sisters, and I (also girl) were out around 4am. We had been drinking coffees for a while and were hanging out in the car outside the local mall waiting for store openings, when youngest sis (around 22yrs) decided she needed to go. Like right now lol. So there’s us, parked in the back lot of the mall up against a hill at 4am, while sis did the hide and squat. Good times 😆

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