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Official New Member Welcome Thread


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My daughter told me about this site last November for the Black Friday deals. I have looked around for a while and finally decided to join. I love this site!!!!!!! I find myself visiting it 5 or 6 or more times a day. Thank you for such a wonderful site and for such nice people.
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Hi Everyone! I just want to say hello and that I am SO excited to find a great site for my freebie addiction!! I am so psyched because I actually got the free tshirt from Starbucks!!

I NEVER win stuff and I NEVER get 10 or more freebies a day! My mailman is hoarding mine, I'm convinced! I actually get upset about it, because it's my sunshine and joy to get samples even if just one every few days, and I submit TONS! I just never receive. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent, and I love animals, especially my 2 Labrador Retrievers, and I will be here every single day!

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Hi,I am new to the computer world,so I am limited on how to post etc. I came across this by looking up fresh step coupons.I have 4 cats and feed alot of stray cats.I love cats and have some knowledge and access to stained glass,which is my second passion.

I LOVE anyone who helps feed and care for strays! I'm new too, but I just had to tell you Thank YOU for helping those animals in the world who don't have ANYBODY to help them. I have 2 labradors and 1 cat, currently, but that number is always changing! Ha Anyway, great to be here and welcome everyone!:)

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Hi everyone!


This is my first post. I am so thrilled to have found this site. I have so much spare time.

I love entering contests. The only problem is that I end up staying up waaaay late! But I already won a 1gigabyte iPod from the Reese's Puffs Cereal contest!!! So that makes me want to keep trying. You know about intermittant rewards and how that makes us want to keep playing? It is what makes casinos so rich!

Would love to hear from anyone who has hints on how to win.





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Hello! I just want everyone to know that I love this forum. :D I am so glad I found it and I don't know why I've never looked for anything like this before. Thanks to all who spend time posting and I'll try to post helpful info when I can. Until then, I'll keep posting lots of thank-yous!:)
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Hi all! I'm a newb! :)


Found this site while I was searching on a scammed weight loss study I was doing. A thread came up and I was looking at the thread and decided to stay a while! :)


I'm a 29 y/o SAHM of a 14 month old baby girl. I'm also a (soon to be) teacher and am applying for grad school for the fall. So - deals are ALWAYS good in my book!



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Hey efwert, new here too. Yes, looks like a lot of info here.

BTW, I want to mention the page behind the Wii link isn't working well. For example, clicking on the holiday bundle for $548 gets me to a page offering it for $628.



EDITING TO ADD: sorry, I see now that's not your link. It's an automated GottaDeal thing, I think.



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