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What are your Black Friday annoyances?

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Ours makes 1 central line down the middle of the store and then an associate directs people into check out from that. It’s very effective.

ours wraps the line all around clothing, you work you way all the way up to the checkout area and then they send you to a register, its a PITA


ive seen stupid people in the line with grocery items with no freaking clue

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People who leave unwanted items all over the store!!! So annoying like at least give it to the cashier



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I agree with this one but there has been a few times it has worked out in my favor...all of what I wanted will be gone but I've lucked out and found it laying around the store somewhere by someone who decided they didn't want it.

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Children and the people who bring them. People who show up last minute and act befuddled by what’s happening. People who hold spots in line then huff and puff when their late comer friends don’t have all of us jumping to give up our seats for them.



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I agree with this one but there has been a few times it has worked out in my favor...all of what I wanted will be gone but I've lucked out and found it laying around the store somewhere by someone who decided they didn't want it.

Me too!  I found the BHG set of mixing bowls and measuring stuff Walmart had last year stuffed in the sheets aisle on Friday night after the Thursday sale.  LOL.  Made me so happy since I passed them up on Thursday night.  


Ours makes 1 central line down the middle of the store and then an associate directs people into check out from that. It’s very effective.

Nope, not the one I go to...there are lines configured through the clothes and when you get to the front of whatever line you are in some directs you to an open register... it's just awful...


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Taking the time to research the ads, add things to the online shopping cart, get the coupon codes ready, and then notice that they prices were raised and/or the coupon isn't as good as the one from the day before. It has happened to me 2 years in a row with JC Penney and Macys. I love the excitement of BF, but I rarely buy on that day anymore. A lot of things were cheaper that Wednesday for me, or closer to Christmas.

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JcPenny's ridiculous start time!! We may all go at 2:00 (25 of us) get the 10.00 coupon then go home for dessert!

I did this last year. Made an ice run and hit the store and back home in 23 minutes 

ours wraps the line all around clothing, you work you way all the way up to the checkout area and then they send you to a register, its a PITA


ive seen stupid people in the line with grocery items with no freaking clue



Ours goes for days up and down rows. I usually get my stuff and find somewhere to sit down until they die down. Scan through the ads and watch late people come in and act so surprise everything is gone.


Thursday openings!!!!!



People who decide this is the time they should do their weekly grocery shopping.

Or that this is the time to browse around and figure out what all the cameras do...and what memory card they would need....and what cables go to what....

I was at Walmart one year on Thanksgiving Black Friday shopping and one of my coworkers who hates Black Friday shopping comes strolling in. I asked what she was doing there in the chaos and she said “getting milk”. Lol. Good luck getting to the milk. It’s blocked by dvds.
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I was at Walmart one year on Thanksgiving Black Friday shopping and one of my coworkers who hates Black Friday shopping comes strolling in. I asked what she was doing there in the chaos and she said “getting milk”. Lol. Good luck getting to the milk. It’s blocked by dvds.

LOL!  I saw the same thing last year at Walmart only it was the meat aisle.  Some dude was trying to buy a package of meat, which was blocked by the DVD's.  All I could do was wonder if he really was that stupid or if he was doing it on purpose......smh

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biggest annoyance is sites that don't function properly. I've gotten stuck in checkout hell so many times between not letting me log in and/or removing items from cart it can get absurd :( Still haven't made time to look at more than a handful of ads. too hectic and plague-y :(

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Tech problems (either in online ordering or at in-store checkouts)

 Ha ha, THIS! And not just on BF. Twice in the last week I've had online ordering issues.

I thought it was supposed to simplify life, but not so.

When advertised deals don't show up in online carts and you have to spend an hour on the phone with tech support you wonder why you bothered.

And when you order one item and instead they send you five of a completely unrelated item that you didn't order, and you have to drive down to the store to rectify the situation, you wonder, "What are they smoking in the warehouse?".

And then there's Amazon and the inability to do a straight exchange for a faulty item sent. You have to return and re-buy, but usually the price has gone up by then so you're forced to pay a higher price for their error.

Just endless complications...


An easy way to do it is if you see the web # in the ad, write it down. Then when you are ready to order, search by the number. Saves a lot of time!


or just use our tracker if it a retailer we track you can just click the link in the tracker and order right then and there


I agree with this one but there has been a few times it has worked out in my favor...all of what I wanted will be gone but I've lucked out and found it laying around the store somewhere by someone who decided they didn't want it.

I agree! Walmart is a great place to find items in the strangest places due to buyer's greed and remorse.


I agree! Walmart is a great place to find items in the strangest places due to buyer's greed and remorse.

One year I was bummed because I didn’t get the Nintendo 3D for my DD. When I got to check out someone had decided not to get it and left it on the soda display!! That was the best Black Friday EVER!!!



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Hard to find Disney movies are usually throwing all over the clothing section all the way to electronics. Another Ploy of Walmart to not display them but keep them in the security cases within the normal kiosks they're all the same price so have them scanned properly


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