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Toys R Us Has Officially Filed for Bankruptcy

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Toys R US lost relevance years ago. They failed on many fronts, closed stores and refused to be competitive in their pricing scheme. Sadly, we have seen all too many stores do the same thing and close in the last ten years.


Ding ding ding.


It's odd you read different stories from different places and they don't say the same facts. One I read earlier this morning in the local paper said they aren't shuttering any stores. I think the big issue is they need to lower their prices. I can almost ALWAYS get toys cheaper from many places.

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I'm hoping this means better sales, like how Gymboree has better sales and coupons now that they are bankrupt. I do like the idea of an open space with birthday parties, etc. But they honestly aren't my first choice for toy shopping. I'd rather go to Target and get 5% off. 


What killed TRU is the tablet. Over the last 5 years or so on GD we have had parents ask the question every year "How young is too young to buy my kid a iphone or tablet." The other thing that killed them was they did not have any special edition toys or brands. WM, Target and others for the last few years have had special edition brands and toys. This did not only target kids but parents who are my age who are wanting to re live our childhood and re collect the toys that our parents gave to Goodwill when we moved out to college.

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We still shop there for Legos for our son as they have a better selection then most other stores and they always have a sale on Legos. Everything else is a hit or miss. Most times I can find better deals at Target or Walmart especially when it gets closer to Christmas. We are just about out of the Toy buying stage for our kids with the exception of board games, video games and right now Legos. Definitely don't spend as much there as we used to when the kids were little.

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