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What are you looking for this BF?

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So let's kick off the forum with this question: What are you looking to get a great deal on during Black Friday this year? Last year was a big year for laptops and electronics (DVD players, TVs, etc...). What about this year?
i can use a super cheap dvd player that i can use for my regoin 4 copy of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. other than that i have to try and not spend any money. :splat:
Definitely excited for the Best Buy ad. I got a computer the last two years and this year I am hoping to find a bargain on either a dvd burner or a digital camera.
  cactusmom said:

Definitely excited for the Best Buy ad. I got a computer the last two years and this year I am hoping to find a bargain on either a dvd burner or a digital camera.

What's your budget on a digital camera and what sort of specs/features are you looking for?


My searchlist:


*digital camera

*32" or 36" t.v. for living room

*20" or 26" t.v. with vhs/dvd for DD room

*portable dvd or vhs player for the car

*electric razors (for him & one for me too)


I'm sure there's more that I want. I don't really NEED any of this, but I'd like to replace some of my older stuff that will probably go bad soon anyway.


our lookin fors:



Deals on Video games

Linens (Towels/Sheets)

Legos/Board Games

Memory cards for my new digital cam.



Christmas Plush/Decorations



Think thata all for now, already have stuf on layaway at walmart for christmas




We're also looking for similiar deals on:


Video games (computer, GameCube and GameBoy Advance SP)

Bed sheets, anything but flannel.

Bed comforters

Upgrade wife


You know, the usual stuff ;)


Let's seeeeee...... for sure

portable dvd player

office chair with massager

I've got Christmas pretty well under control, but there's always SOMETHING I have to have on BF!! :giggle:

  RossMAN said:



We're also looking for similiar deals on:


Video games (computer, GameCube and GameBoy Advance SP)

Bed sheets, anything but flannel.

Bed comforters

Upgrade wife


You know, the usual stuff ;)

are you going to upgrade to a whole new model and just replace a couple parts? if your going all new i'll take the old one off your hands since i'm in the market and in the area :wub:


Looking for the staples ad. I was 5th in line last year and got everything on my list. The best buy's in this area will be way too busy as they are the only electronic stores in the area, no compusa, frys, etc.


There is the Fry's in Joiliet though, 2.5 hour drive, would it be worth it? hmmm

  PawPrint said:

Linens (Towels/Sheets)



Has anybody here ever tried ordering anything from SmartBargains.com?


The wife and I have been tempted to order sheets from them for a long time, but their prices seem *so cheap* that I wonder if we'd get crap, or they're actually passing the savings of not having a "mall store" on...


The only electronic stores that I have are OM, staples, Computer Store and Radio Shack. The closest Fry's, Best Buy or Circuit city is oh about 200 miles away. I say it is not worth it.

Hey if anyone has found a cheap xbox or playstation2, please let me know. My husbands playstation2 just broke. We need to replace it. Thanks ahead of time. Just to let everyone know gottadeal is being spread through out the internet. Yeah. :clapping::victory::secret:

  genoandkiddo said:

Just to let everyone know gottadeal is being spread through out the internet. Yeah. :clapping::victory::secret:

We love you already (in a platonic Hot Deals kind of way ;) ).


Thank you :yelclap:

I wouldn't mind some deals on tools, doubt it'll happen. I'll see what DVDs are on sale for rock bottom prices, last year the first two seasons of the Simpsons were going for $11 each but I already had both.
  mugs said:

I wouldn't mind some deals on tools, doubt it'll happen. I'll see what DVDs are on sale for rock bottom prices, last year the first two seasons of the Simpsons were going for $11 each but I already had both.

Sears will most likely have good deals, perhaps on tools.


BB, CC, and Walmart should have good deals on DVD's.

It's no problem. I am just tired of going to "forums" to talk about black friday and nobody walks to respond. So I want everyone to come here and see that we actually are carring on a convo. I am so excited I want to talk about it. Oh and see now I need to add another thing to my list. Some more DVD's and if hubbie gets his way he wants to get a xbox instead. I maybe just dumb but is there a difference (not to start a war) between the two gaming systems? If he goes with xbox we are going to have to get games. So in other words my list will keep growing.



The only difference between different gaming systems is basically that each system, has games/memory cards/controllers etc for that system only. The games/memory cards/controllers cannot be shared between different game consoles ( unless they are two identical gaming systems (example xbox and xbox instead of xbox and ps2)other than that I dont see any difference . though some games might hold one system superior to another.


We have the ps2 over here, and an old Super Nintendo that is rarely used but thats about it.We thought about getting the xbox or game cube but the though of buying all new games and memory cards and what not changed our minds.

Okay so is one better than the other? Like are there more games for the xbox? Does the PS2 have better memory? I am sorry, I really have no Idea. :confused: I don't play with them so bare with me. :D I am a SIMS woman. :giggle:



Personally I think the PS2 is better as they have a better game selection and better variety of games to choose from ( also a large game selection). You can get memory cards in the stores where you buy the PS2's, I know there is an 8 MB, but I dont know if they come larger than that. The 8MB's do hold alot, providing on how many games one has and how much space each takes up, but the 8Mbs will last you a good while to begin with. We've had our Playstation 2 for slightly over 2 yrs and have 2 Memory catds, only because we like to keep the games seperated for whom they generally belong to ( he has his games on one card, while mine is on another) you can tell them apart if you do this, buy placing a lil colored sticker on one of them, the PS2 can also play dvds ( in case you didnt know that


and for the SIMS fan in you, there are two currently Sims games out for the PS2, with a third coming out in the very near future ( this month or next)


Hope that helps you. :) :groovin: :wiggle:

It did help alot, thank you. I didn't know the SIMS were on PS2 as well. Well I guess, just maybe wait to see if the PS2 will be on sale on bf. That way I can get the SIMS games for christmas. :) :) :) :yelclap:

I am hoping to get a good deal on a GameBoy SP (a bundle with a game or two would be nice). I figure since Ninetendo DS is coming out this year, maybe I can get it for a steal. :groovin:


The other item I am looking for is a really cheap digital camera for my 6 year old. This is the only thing she has consistently asked for this past year.


I can't wait for the ads to start coming out. I love Black Friday! :clapping:

bargainaholic, I too can't wait. I am so excited. I told hubby, I could skip Halloween and go right into Thanksgiving. Halloween is my favorite day(Next to BF). I do get my fix though, thru clearances. Oh hurry up with the ads. Somebody PLEASE!!!!!!!!! :2woot: :3poker: :2bat:
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