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When do you wrap?


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I will be wrapping starting next week when kids go back to school!


Have 4 at school and my 2 year old twins at home, Ill be wrapping when those 2 are napping.


Still have some odds n ends to grab Ill wrap those as I get them. I hope to have a Christams morning stuff wrapped by December 16th, when kids get off for Christmas break.


Stuff for other people Ill wrap whenever, as they kids like to help with that!

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i wrap mine as i buy... my husband is very impatient... if i don't wrap as soon as i buy he's bound to tear the house apart looking for his gifts. luckily for me, he's bad at trying to sneak a peak at his already wrapped gifts ... i told him if i can tell he's sneaked a peak than i'll return whatever he looked at. he doesn't try to peak anymore. :tongue1:
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I haven't wrapped a thing yet. I did set up a table in the basement last night, went through some bags and made a list of what I have bought and what I need to get yet but that is it. Hopefully I will be able to do some wrapping this weekend. I still have to finish getting the baby room ready for our baby that is due on Feb. 7 also. It is a work in process right now.
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