Marcster Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 toolmaan said: Saw lots of babies and lots of old couch cushions that got ditched in the line.Did the babies really get ditched in line? That's horrible!
sperdue Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 The stampede at walmart for the electronics items. There was no organization what so ever. People had carts EVERYWHERE in the way. I didn't see any fights, but they had to have several large men employees by the pallets screaming at the top of their lungs "THERE WILL BE NO PUSHING AND SHOVING". I thought it was just insane. We didn't get there soon enough to get the laptop (though I heard an employee say they didn't have any to begin with) They were offering 20% off any other laptop. I REALLY wish I'd have taken advantage of this, but there were so many people in electronics it was impossible to get in there. Bottom line... no item I may want to buy is worth me or anyone else receiving bodily harm.
Wontpayretail23 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 I'm sorry this is a shopping day that kids should be left at home. One mother at Best buy at 5am was stopping all around the store screaming at the top of her lungs "Scott...Timmy!" Over and over. KEEP YOUR KIDS AT HOME PEOPLE!
Gporter34 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 I took my three oldest kids with me but sent the two younger ones home with my mom so that my stepdad could watch them. The oldest are 17, 13, 12. I have had to take the oldest when he was small but that was a while back and BF was alot different then. Our K-mart(when we had one) opened at 7am and if you were there by 6am you were in the front of the I am just lucky that I had someone to watch the younger ones. If I hadn't the older kids would have stayed home with them. I feel sorry for folks who don't have a babysitter for BF.
Booterbunz Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 taintedmelodies said: Well when they opened the doors, a few people started running and this lady took off with them, when she got in the store, she tried to take a corner and head to the left where the toy aisle is and the cart turned over very loudly and two little ones spilled out onto the floor.That's just horrible!! I dont even think about running with dd in the cart..even though dh does it with her and she starts giggling her head off! I hope that mother feels awful about what she had done and the kids are ok!!!
kfinto65 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Gporter34 said: I took my three oldest kids with me but sent the two younger ones home with my mom so that my stepdad could watch them. The oldest are 17, 13, 12. I have had to take the oldest when he was small but that was a while back and BF was alot different then. Our K-mart(when we had one) opened at 7am and if you were there by 6am you were in the front of the I am just lucky that I had someone to watch the younger ones. If I hadn't the older kids would have stayed home with them. I feel sorry for folks who don't have a babysitter for BF.Reminds me of BF 2002. I was the first at BB and that was 04:30 when they opened at 06:00. They didn't have real good deals on the eMachines that year in the ads. But the great thing was they added a second rebate while I was in line. So I got an eMachine for $99 AR (no monitor for that price) when I wasn't there for the PC but who can refuse that? Those were the days....
happysunshine28 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 I was with my friend and her boyfriend and they argued all day so I was with the people who were stared at. It was awful, never again. I feel so sorry for her boyfriend, if I were him I would pack my stuff and move out. He turns over his paycheck to her but she refused to let him buy himself or his other daughter what he wanted to, but filled up the buggy with stuff for hers. They have a daughter together plus he has another one that doesnt live with them, her reasoning was his other daughter gets to have christmas 3 times. He kept saying they need to be equal she kept saying no, a couple of times I suggested they get both girls the same thing they are only 1 year apart and like the same things. I hope they get the other kid more than what they did yeaterday if not her feeling will be hurt. I may be overreacting but I do believe in being fair both my kids get a equal amount of money spent on them.
christmasangel Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 SuperMommy said: Also, got very ill in the mall restrooms. I had just come out of a stall and a little girl and her mother walked in. The little girl was probably 3 or so. The little girl was crying before she ever came in the door b/c she had to pee so bad. And by how upset she seemed it looked like she had to pee for awhile. Well, there were 3 0r 4 other women in line ahead of her, but they were gonna let her go b/c bless her heart she looked so pitiful. Well, the little girl wasn't able to hold it and ended up peeing all over herself. When the mom saw this she started yelling at the little girl and they left the bathroom. First off, things happen with little ones. Second, by how upset she was you could tell the little girl had been holding it awhile. The mom probably wouldn't take her b/c she was too busy shopping. So, it was probably mostly the moms fault for not taking her sooner. But there was no reason at all to start yelling at the little girl. She was already so upset. I just wanted to go yell at the mom for making the scene that she did. OMG!!! That is so so sad and distrubing! I can see if there is really really something that you HAVE TO HAVE and you dont have a sitter- but really the stores are so chaotic, leave the little ones in bed and shop online if all else fails!
foreveramber Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 I remember a couple years ago a ladyand guy with an underdressed baby people let her up to the front of the line (because the line started inside the hallway) as she left she said to him told you it would work... people were so mad but nobody was willing to make teh baby suffer to get back at the mom
Kandy Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Had this guy at the px counting the number of people in front of him and his wife, walking the line, and he said we were like number 48 or so and then he jumped to the front of the line and said he was going to embrass anyone who tried to cut in line. He was hollering at them, where do you think you are trying to go, the line starts back there pointing around the corner to the other side of the building.. needless to say until time for him to step back in, no one cut in line.
bat Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 I got lucky at BB...I was getting the $150 emachine for my daughter and told my niece I'd get her one if she stood in line...which she did :) But my brother missed the laptops so went over to Walmart where he almost didn't get one becuase of line cutting...he told the guy that was tending the line that someone up front was letting people cut..the line guy agreed that he thought the people were the manager and looked at the security tape!! When confronted the cutters just walked off without an brother got the last laptop!
AZwildcatsR1 Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Not strange, but actually pretty clever . . . a lazy boy chair of all things!! Guy got there at 3:00pm Thanksgiving day and wanted to sleep comfortably! We heard him snoring . . . so I guess he did!! :)
Mike Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 The couple in front of me at BB was the worst. First, they were smokers and smoked in line. Next, the chick was drinking and threw up twice(away from the line). Then at 3 am, they just decided to make out and started going at it. WTF?
Scruzin Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 I think the funniest thing I saw all day was people attempting to use 2 way radios, not realizing that they are picking up on everyone else who has a 2 way radio conversation. Everytime someone would say, "Hey Mom, did you get _____?" About 100 women would answer back!
barghunter Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Why do parents take babies or small children out without proper clothing in cold weather? I see it all the time and I just want to walk up to the parent or grownup their with and take their coat away from them. You don't have to be a super parent to know if you need to wear a jacket or coat that baby needs one a lot more!!!! JMHO
Guest lolwtfbbq Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 one kid that looked like he was from new york was playing scarface on a portable dvd player some nerd drove by and was filming the line, two rednecks came by in a pickup and started acting like jackasses yelling over their pa systems. other then that, no one in the line really did anything bad... then again, i know know about the first part of the line. it got HUGE the closer to 5 it was.
steffj89 Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Booterbunz said: I took dd with me and was in line at 4am this morning, but we were right at the door that was open and the heater was cranking! She was bundled up like the little kid in a Christmas story and was quite warm actually!! But she's also not a newborn, she's 20 months old! If it were too cold, and nowhere warm for her, then I possibly would have waited to go shopping. I tried for a sitter for the last 2 weeks, none was available and dh is in Iraq! :) It was also peaceful at the px this morning, I missed the Walmart rush, so she wasn't in harms way! But I also saw little kids in their jammies, nothing else in 40* weather and only like 2 smaller babies..but that was later in the day!tell your hubby thank you....and i completely understand the no sitter thing....i had one friday only because parents came for DH is a truck driver and only home a few days a month and we live so far out of town a sitter is usually counter productivegood luck
BFJedi Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 An SUV drove by my Best Buy line around 3am with a guy's butt hanging out the rear passenger window. That's right! The entire line got a full moon!! There was much laughter.. just innocent fun. lol
acogs Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 At the Walmart I was at this lady decided to cut in line and someone decided to call the cops and the lady ended up getting arrested for disorderly conduct. She never made it in Walmart. It was about 15 degrees and the people that had been there for hours weren't too happy that she thought she was going to cut in line.
Guest lolwtfbbq Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 BFJedi said: An SUV drove by my Best Buy line around 3am with a guy's butt hanging out the rear passenger window. That's right! The entire line got a full moon!! There was much laughter.. just innocent fun. lol hahaha thats hillarious
Jenniferharrison82 Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 I took my son with me (he's 3) he was bundled up and made sure he didn't get trampled :). Other than that I agree on the cutting..the line was about 600 deep at the walmart here and about 30 minutes before the store opened people were getting out of their cars and standing over to the side like they were going to merge. I mean like a crowd of 50..wasn't going to happen..then they get mad because they are getting yelled at to get to the back of the line..the nerve of some people :) all in good fun can always expect for some people to think they are in a bigger hurry than everyone else.
DragonSlayer1500 Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Yeah, mooning was the stupidest thing I saw but WOW...people around here must think it's the thing to do. As I've said before, my friends and I were first in line. Not 20 minutes after we got there, a van drove by and a girl's rear was sticking out the window (can't complain there I suppose). However, we were literally mooned EIGHT times by different people in the first hour. Side note: My friends and I were responsible for some of the stupid moments as we had an air-horn, megaphone and glowsticks. Just stuff to lighten the mood and it seemed to work.
leefamily23 Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 I think the babies and little kids. The cold, crowds, all night waits, and mad rushes just don't make it right. I'm sure many parents reasoned it out- no sitters, mine was warm enough, Mine's 24 not 20 months, ect-- I just don't get it. When my son was 2, I had no sitter. I remember I pouted most of the day. BUT I didn't take him out. Seeing them is what still gets to me on BF.
Booterbunz Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 steffj89 said: tell your hubby thank you....and i completely understand the no sitter thing....i had one friday only because parents came for DH is a truck driver and only home a few days a month and we live so far out of town a sitter is usually counter productivegood luckThank you Steff!!! :) My step dad used to be a truck driver, so I know that they're gone alot also!
Booterbunz Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 leefamily23 said: I think the babies and little kids. The cold, crowds, all night waits, and mad rushes just don't make it right. I'm sure many parents reasoned it out- no sitters, mine was warm enough, Mine's 24 not 20 months, ect-- I just don't get it. When my son was 2, I had no sitter. I remember I pouted most of the day. BUT I didn't take him out. Seeing them is what still gets to me on BF.You are entitled to your opinion, if you want to pm me about my parenting, then please do! No need to take it public!!! Every situation is different, if you don't know everything than you shouldn't blast people! If I lived in Hawaii where it was 65*, I guess, it would still be wrong, eh?
LadyPhoenix Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Sure is a self-righteous crop of folks, huh Booterbunz?
Booterbunz Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 LadyPhoenix said: Sure is a self-righteous crop of folks, huh Booterbunz?LOL Yeah! Some People!!
Mommie2one Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 My neighbor was at TRU last year and a bunch of guys drove by the line before opening and "mooned" everyone. LOL. Funny thing was, the entrance to TRU is the exit too. They thought they could moon and get the heck out of there. Little did they know they had to do a turn around and drive right passed the line again
Bestbuy7 Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Nothing really strange but... The security that worked at the mall was telling everyone not to push some guy kept yelling from the crowd " PUSSSSSSSSSHHHHH " and "CHARGE"
Mugglemom Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 donny2001 said: I can't get up!! Ralphhhhyyyyyyyyyyy! I can't get up!! A classic. Mark your Calenders, Christmas Eve - Christmas day, TBS will have 24 hours (12 airings) of a Christmas Story! :bounce_fl FYI: Target has the DVD on sale this week, $10!!!!!
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