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  1. Unless kayla lives in a commonwealth state (like Pennsylvania)... Kayla, do you live in such a state?
  2. What time can we buy online @ the BF price??
  3. I live in Ohio, and clothing is always taxed...
  4. Anyone know if this TV has a VGA port (hook up to a computer)?? LadyPhoenix
  5. happyrat, Sears DID make it clear of the expiration date of that card. That date is printed on the back of ANY gift card. That is unfortunate; however you MUST take responsibility. Lady Phoenix
  6. Sure is a self-righteous crop of folks, huh Booterbunz?
  7. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. hope1976!!!!
  8. dukes, I believe that to be true. The cheapest items available FIRST on BF are always the doorbusters...but that is a marketing ploy to get the customer INSIDE the store. If all the buy IS the doorbuster(s), that's a loss in profit. And if they don't get in on time, and walk out the store purchasing nothing, that's a BIGGER loss. This is who we are. (Frank Black, "MillenniuM")
  9. If folks want to sell what they LEGALLY rec'd on eBay, that's their business. If folks want to BUY from eBay, that's their business. It is BOTH parties' responsibility to educate themselves. Welcome to the United States... This is who we are. (Frank Black, "MillenniuM")
  10. badazzbuyer sounds like a RACIST ASS BUYER "hood" part of town "economically challenged" May God fill with you with HELL for this 'you're beneath me' attitude!
  11. "The point of this thread is basically the same thing, if the greedy did not hit the bf ad's to sell on ebay, alot more kiddos would see more items on their wish list under the tree. " There is NOTHING wrong with selling what you got on eBay, or at a flea market, or in any other arena. And I have more concern for a kid who doesn't even have a roof over his/her head or food on the table, as opposed to a tree missing toys that are being MARKETED to you via television shows, commercials, magazines, radio, etc. The subject of this thread is "I'm so disappointed in people". Well, I am so disappointed in SELF-RIGHTEOUS people who make judgments left and right of people they don't even KNOW. Whatever good deed, sacrifice, charitable donation you do will be rewarded by GOD and GOD alone. The RESPONSE to that good deed, sacrifice, charitable donation does NOT NULLIFY that deed, since the response reflects the RECIPIENT, not the GIVER. If you are so concerned about other people and what they do or don't do, there is a simple solution: Be the example of what you want to see. Be a ROLE MODEL.
  12. xaraan, if what you say is true, why did the receipt clearly state "all returns will be in the form of a gift card"??
  13. Went back to Sears to return my poor choice of a coat. Expected to receive a Gift Card instead of a cash refund (as it plainly stated on my receipt)...INSTEAD I received a cash refund which included the FACE VALUE of the $10 gift card I received @ 6am! I happily took the money right out of Sears, found and bought a better quality coat @ JcPenney! Lady Phoenix
  14. Hooded downing coat @ Sears (CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS POST) Check out my dilemma (and possibly help me out!): Stood in line @ 5am for Sears early bird sale, and to get the $10 gift card for 1st 200 customers. Got in, with my card, to EXCLUSIVELY look for that coat (or at least a semi-heavy coat that was hooded). Didn't see any of my 1st or 2nd choices, so I SETTLED for a stadium jacket that doesn't give me a whole lot of room, and as thick as I wanted. But the price was right...especially since the retail price was $120, but after the sales price and the gift card, I spent only $42 (tax included). But now I have TREMENDOUS buyer's remorse! My options: *Accept what I got and be happy w/it for the next 2 years *Return it, and use my refund (which will ONLY be in the form of a Sears gift card) plus MORE money to look for another coat more to my liking, or *Return it, keep my refund (Sears gift card) for a future purchase, spend gas looking at other stores to pay EVEN MORE money for a coat I WANT and look GOOD in The Remorseful LadyPhoenix
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