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How many Laptops at your Wal-Mart?

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I arrived at my Wal-Mart supercenter at 2:00 am and there was about 10 people ahead in line, total there were 35 laptops that were being given tickets for to those who were first in line. Things were pretty good and there wasn't any chaos with people trying to cut in line. One lady was trying to cut into our line at the last minute after 5 am and some of the people started to get pretty crabby behind me. She finally found the right line for the MP3s.


How many laptops did yours have and how was your experience?

Guest general41391
My Wal-Mart only had 10 people in line at 4:00 a.m!!!
I called both Wal_marts ahead of time and was told they had between 25-30 each..which seemed about right when they finally brought them out at 4 a.m. I got there at 2:30 a.m. and along with about half a dozen people started asking the electronics dept where to go for laptops..no one knew until about 3:45a.m. when we were directed to the bullpen(cig isle) and they gave tickets.....it went very smoothly....a couple people tried to get the walmart employees to hand over a ticket (gameboys were same place..same ticket system) and good for the walmart employees..they told them NO..if i dont see you in line..you will have to go to the back. It did work very well, the only issue I had was there was a misunderstanding with layaway..and the cashier told a couple people they couldnt lay them away...by the time I had JUST paid for soemthing that expensive I wanted to layaway..they told her we COULD lay them away....grrr....but with 3 kids with me..we got plenty of carebears/ cabbage patch dolls, 2 gameboys and a laptop...so I left a happy camper anyway! Not to mention I was back in my warm house by 6 a.m! Not to bad!!!

50 of them... sioux falls, sd........


I decided to drive to the wal-mart supercenter a couple miles north of Best Buy... got there around 11:30 to find that is was open all night and somewhat busy but mostly normal shoppers from the night before... it got quieter and was quite calm around 12:30 AM, and there was no line for the 50 laptops they had selling for $379, so I decided to do some shopping for normal items then wait in my car a bit.

Around 1:45 I went back in and the first couple people were in line, so I decided to get in queue. The casher who was working a 4PM to 5AM shift and had been there all night told us we could pull up some folding chairs, so we did and the first 5-10 of us created a blockade on one side of the asile and the line formed back in electronics.

People were coming in at a slow pace until about 3:30, when they really started to come in at larger numbers. At around 3:45 to 4 was when the line for the laptops was finally full. For the next hour you had some furious women that would abandon their carts and walk off when they heard all the laptops were accounted for (around 4:15 they issued numbers to everyone to prevent skipping.. I was number 2) ... it was fun watching the madness as I waited for 5 to roll around. Got my laptop, a 23 inch TV, and left...



I'm laying in bed using my new laptop to post this...

I do not know who many ours had. We hit the px first then walmart. When we got to walmart at 10 till 5, the laptops and pc's were already gone.

Wow, 50 of them at Sioux Falls. I'm from Rapid City, SD. Yeah there were lots of people that were grabbing folding chairs and sitting down. Those first two hours from 2 am to 4 dragged on. Then around 4-5 when the people really started to come in it went pretty quick.


I had some annoying lady in our line that got out, got back in, got out and then thought our line was for the gameboys. She asked me if I could save 2, I said I'll try. Come to find out there was a seperate line for the gameboys, I was happy. She even asked me if I could bring them to layaway. I politely said no I have other things to get.

We only had 14 in State College, PA, a college town for God's sake, wouldn't you think there'd be more?? They were all accounted for by the time I got there.
...I live in the midwest and there was a fist fight in our WM...it seems a man took umbrage about a woman having a computer and he didn't....thus he got angry and punched her in the face......the cops were called etc....interesting huh!?!!
65 (DFW, Texas).....I was told they distributed or counted the number of people in line and by 2:30am they were telling people they were no longer available.
  krissy72 said:

Vestal, NY had 100 of them. It was very orderly with a single line and tickets handed out as people stepped in line.

I think Norwich had half that amount.

There are 6 walmarts in this city and each one had 12-15 laptops each! I knew better than to try for one, I went to my px first and got $20 giftcard for being one of the first 100 people! LOL

Dallas, GA had about 30, so I heard. We were in Toys about 4am when a lady asked one of the sales associates how many they had. By then the line was over 100 folks long. They lady said she was going to try to head to a WM in Alabama to try to get one!


Didn't need to get a LT this year, but I think I will order mine on line!


Jacquelyn :D

Our WM had 15 and I got in line at electronics at 6pm Thursday. I was first in line but as people came in to check things out the line started filling up fast.lol Our WM was a mess but they employees did a great job!
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