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Best Buy Suggestion


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I know its to late for this year, but I have a suggestion for everyone to propose to Best Buy for next year.


Why not allow the people who are in line for the big items ie Computers, TVs, laptops to buy them early like 2am after the get the tickets, and then take them to their car. If they want something else, then they can wait till the store opens and buy it. That way it would be easier to move around the store with all the big items out of the way, and the checkout line should be shorter to.


What does everyone think?

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I think it is a good theory, it would only mean that more people line up earlier.


I know its to late for this year, but I have a suggestion for everyone to propose to Best Buy for next year.


Why not allow the people who are in line for the big items ie Computers, TVs, laptops to buy them early like 2am after the get the tickets, and then take them to their car. If they want something else, then they can wait till the store opens and buy it. That way it would be easier to move around the store with all the big items out of the way, and the checkout line should be shorter to.


What does everyone think?

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Why not just have them handle your large purchases for you? That's why they have an inventory staff for, to do carry-outs to people's cars. For things like large TVs that's the only way they can do it anyway. When I bought my 32" LCD HDTV on Sunday they just rang it up in the Home Theater department, gave me my receipt, and I met the inventory guy at the door where he brought up my TV on a hand-cart.
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Wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose of doorbusters? To get bodies in the store and shopping?


I appreciate the effort and things will change in the next few years, but I don't think this idea will fly.

Yeah, I agree. Even if you move the time up, the line will be still here. When there's a certain time, people would line up hours before that.


The way they are doing it now is fine.

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the whole idea is to get lot of ppl in at the same time and then you start grabbing things that are not on sell just because there is so many others grabbing for them too. if they got rid of all their loss leaders 3 hrs before they opened ppl would go to other stores to get the other deals that are out there. so they want you to buy other junk with better profit margins to off set the loss leaders.
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