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ot-any ideas on using fake snow in a can for windows?


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I used to buy the stencils but there was always a mess. the stuff is hard to get off and it ran when the front door/glass sweated. I decided to would try something new so i used the paints kids use for arts and crafts. you can buy them in big bottles of many colors at craft stores. i painted scenes with it and it does wash off after the season was over. But it was just as hard as the canned snow to get off. since then i reverted back to when i was a kid..my mother had this stuff called "glass wax" we used it on the windows back then. its a pink liquid that dries white, then you buff it off with a cloth. its meant for cleaning windows and a few metals too. but i used this with a sponge in my picture window swirling it around to look like clouds. i framed the window with lights too. but in the center of the window i left an big oval shape clear. this is where i put my mechanical santa and mini christmas tree. it looks so nice from outside...magical kind of.You cant see through the clouds if you put a couple of coats on, i had a hard time finding the wax but did get it at walmart.. they had it on the top shelf in the cleaning isle. it does have a high odor when your using it but it disapears when dry. i dont recomend kids doing the application for this reason. i dont remember this smell when i was a kid for some reason. If you can't find it at walmart try hardware stores maybe. i got mine about 4 yrs ago. the can goes far..lol


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I use the snow in a can every year and I like it. I use Windex and paper towels to remove it and have never had a problem, but alot of people do not like to use it. I just spray a circle around the panes in the windows to create a sort of frame. It's really pretty at night when the trees are plugged in. I tried to find the glass wax but couldn't. I was going to see which worked best for me. Maybe I can find it if I keep looking.
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Reading this made me smile at a forgotten memory. When I was a child a loooooong time ago there was an ad on TV during the Christmas season reminding everyone to get their Glass Wax stencils. It was a big deal to me when we decorated the windows because I was allowed to do one or two of the stencils. Mine stood out because of the drip marks. :)


I just did a search and the stencils are available online at several stores. It seems that Glass Wax has been discontinued and replaced with something called Window Wax that supposedly works just as well.

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