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Best Buy who is buying both $379 laptop and $149 desktop PC's?

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Yeah I'm going to be buying both machines. I'm probably going to have another friend of mine go with me so I can get 2 emachines. One to sell on ebay and one for my dad for X-mas.
  saturnboy01 said:

Just the PC.


I dont plan to "resell" any items on ebay for profit. I want to be fair to everyone that needs one at the $149 price. :teacher:

You read my mind, I plan on selling the laptop for around $600 and making a nice little profit.

I will be getting both. My wife & I want a new laptop. My mother in law gets last years laptop. She wants a printer for her condo in Fl. Free After rebate = :-)


I already have 4 PCs at home & 1 laptop.


Doesn't everyone have a PC in the garage?


I don't know what i will do with the desktop. I was looking at the wishing tree to see if anyone is asking for a computer. We shall see.

I am sure it will go to someone who needs it or I may just make someone hapy at the store and sell it for cost.

  RossMAN said:

You read my mind, I plan on selling the laptop for around $600 and making a nice little profit.

:g_think: Now that's the best idea I've heard this year!! Selling on Ebay or elsewhere?

  RossMAN said:

Do you plan on buying BOTH the $379 laptop and $149 desktop PC's?


Please click here to view the Best Buy ads.


Im not going to be getting both, want to know why?


Because I talked to a guy in our local BB computer dept who will be handing out tickets on BF.


And he said that they will only give a person either one for the desktop or one for the laptop not both

  _John_Lennon_ said:

Im not going to be getting both, want to know why?


Because I talked to a guy in our local BB computer dept who will be handing out tickets on BF.


And he said that they will only give a person either one for the desktop or one for the laptop not both


I will have to have a talk with Management about that. Good info John_Lennon!!

  _John_Lennon_ said:

Im not going to be getting both, want to know why?


Because I talked to a guy in our local BB computer dept who will be handing out tickets on BF.


And he said that they will only give a person either one for the desktop or one for the laptop not both

That's what got me curious and prompted me to create this thread.


I can understand one item each but why can't you have a laptop and desktop? You freezed your :tweety: off waiting in line for hours.


Im buying the GATEWAY LAPTOP for school .. THE TOSHIBA LAPTOP FOR MY BROTHER and the Emachines for my ROOM......


Lots of people say i cant have soo much and logic tells me that legally they cannot say NO to me ... im not greedy.. It says 1 item of a specific product per person.. so if the bestbuy guy says No.. You STOP them and ask them their reasoning.. and if he isnt willing to listen.. STOP him again and stick the AD in his face to show him where it says 1 item per person on each item....


IF he still says NO the u ask him where his manager is and that you would like to go with him to talk to the manager.. You tell the manager that you stood in line for over 6 hours.. and if he still says NO .. tell him OK ! BE NICE!!!

and then get ur buddy to buy it ! and if that cant work.. then i always say .. be NICE to the people ahead of you.. and be nice to the people behind you..


You ask the person behind you, who is shopping for a TV or a camera to get a ticket for the computer in their name.... The bestbuy person cannot say no because its a different person asking..


Then u smile and say THANK YOU ( very nicely ) to both the bestbuy empolyee and the stranger that helped you out...


Make sure u take water... cookies.. chocolate or something and be nice to everyone around u and share if they look hungry.. Make sure that nobody can bite you in the ass.. iv seen 2 many people freeze their ass and then be rude to ppl and loose it and in the end not get what they want because no one would help them! if ur enduring the wait and the wheather its going to suck no matter what!!!!.. so just SUCK IT IN ! and let it go when your home playing with your wonderful new toys!!!!!!


Remember.. be polite ( but not a pushover) and smile and thank everybody and then go home and curse them out if u need too but make it WORK!!

just a little advice on my side!

  RossMAN said:

That's what got me curious and prompted me to create this thread.


I can understand one item each but why can't you have a laptop and desktop? You freezed your :tweety: off waiting in line for hours.

The Best Buy ad shows a limit of 1 per household for the laptop but doesn't state *any* limit for the desktop. Make sure you have your ad and point that out if it comes down to it. I'd also suggest having BB's corporate phone number with you but fat chance they'll be there at 5am...


Good points trance - polite but firm and informed seems to work best.


Should someone, especially the manager, turn you down, you might ask for their name & tell them you need it for when you call corporate (once they open) to complain that the written policies were not followed.

  NeepNeep said:

The Best Buy ad shows a limit of 1 per household for the laptop but doesn't state *any* limit for the desktop. Make sure you have your ad and point that out if it comes down to it. I'd also suggest having BB's corporate phone number with you but fat chance they'll be there at 5am...

Good suggestion to bring the BB ad with you.

I think we all know my answer to this (if you don't, see my "location" to the left) --- I will have to wait and see if I actually even get a chance to buy both. But then again, if they do the same thing here they did last year, what's a combined savings of ~$600-$700 when I can just buy a regular desktop and laptop at full price ($1,200) and get a free $150 gift card?!? :runaway:



Another question: Would it be a good idea to just buy the eMachines desktop now, then just stroll into the store on Friday, and get a refund for the difference? Two Best Buy employees confirmed that you're allowed to do this, but the general consensus in this forum seems to be that this is not allowed. Is it? or is it not? Does it matter by store?
I spoke with managment at my local BB (San Antonio, TX) and he said that you CAN have a ticket for a PC and Laptop (But not 2 of each i.e. 2pc's or 2 laptops only 1 of each is okay since they are different items! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! :D
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