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Gamecube games question?

Mindy Pell

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We are new to the GameCube world, as our six year old will be getting one for Christmas. There is a new Harry Potter game that just came out last week, and the new Mario Party 7. I've heard all the Mario games are very good. I just bought the Mario Party 7 bundle pack....the cube, Mario 7 game, two controllers, and a microphone which is apparently used for the game. It was $99.99 for the bundle
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My kids dd(9) and ds(4) love the Mario games. For DD this yr we got her the Mario DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) which is new. I also got them the Mario Baseball which they both love to play while we are at Target. We have Mario Golf, which is fun and Mario Kart which is the car racing - this is my ds and dh's favorite to play. I believe it is on 12/5 that Mario Strikers will be coming out, which is soccer. I will be getting this for ds, just not sure if it will be for Christmas or his birthday on 2/14. We love the Mario series.
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We're buying the Mario Party 7 Bundle this Christmas for my nephews - it seems like the best deal, you get a $50 game + a bonus controller (one is already included) for $99. We bought it at K-Mart so we got another $10 off by using our Sears card (The coupon link is available on another thread) Great price.


I researched some games and the most popular seem to be the Mario games (especially the Melee one, and the all Party ones) Also, Kirby seems popular with the younger set. If your kids are interested in something in particular, like: Star Wars, Spongebob, Harry Potter, etc - The games featuring them would surely be a hit.

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There's a spongebob game I see for sale in most of the ads that might be good. I've got an older harry potter game you could just have. It's extremely boring for adults, but probably fun for the kids. If you want it just PM me and I can mail it to you. For the husband, get Mario Kart for sure, and if he likes sports get him the new Madden NFL game. Zelda is a great game as well as metroid prime.
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Guest Deals4Me
Thanks everyone...We own gamecube, and even though this threadwasnt something I asked, its great to see everyone respond and gave me some new ideas for hubby!!!
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I went to pick up the Mario Party 7 bundle at EB Games the other day and when I went to check out the cashier had told me about another bundle using the mario party 7 bundle. for 158.98 I got the Mario Party 7 GC bundle, an extra controller, memory card, 2 extension cables, link cable, RF adaptor, and Sonic Heroes!!! In total (1) Gamecube (3) controllers (2) Games (1) Microphone (2) Extension Cables (1) memory card (1) RF adaptor and (1) Link Cable. Don't know how long they will have this deal.
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Check this site out. I hope the link gives the top 200 Gamecube games, that's what I searched for. Keep in mind, the reviews are subjective.




I'd HIGHLY recommend Resident Evil 4 for hubby and Animal Crossing for the kids. Pikman games are really fun for the kids too. Heck, my husband loved it and me and my son watched him play 1 and 2.


Edit: Beyond Good and Evil is a great game too and if you can find it, it'll be about $10.00.


Edit again LOL: If someone likes a particular genre, you can change the ratings to only look for that genre under "Category."

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I have to say Mario Kart is probably the best family game out there. I love it, hubby loves it, and th ekids love it. Another one that hasnt been mentioned is Super Smash Brothers Melee. No one in my house can beat my 6 year old DD! Beyond Good & Evil is an EXCELLENT game! Also, any of the mario sport titles are really good. They might also enjoy Animal Crossing. We bought it for our 6 year old this year. She wanted uit, but we decided to wait until she could read, since ther is alot of reading involved. (hubby and I did Beta testing on AC, it is a great game!)
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I just got Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 and Super Monkey Ball 2 for my GameCube. I love both of them. As far as Mario goes, anything is great. I have MarioKart and Mario Party 6. I have yet to get NFS: Most Wanted.

How are the graphics in Need for Speed?


I saw it on sale at Target and was thinking about buying it.

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Mario Party 7, Mario Kart, Kirby, Harvest Moon Another Wonderful life or harvest moon. My DD is 12 and loves the Harvest moon games.

My daughter 13, loves the Harvest Moon games too. I don't know if your daughter has played Animal Crossing or not, but it's along the same lines as Harvest Moon (different game and concept), but I think she'd love it every bit as much.


My daughter does not like Mario Kart at all. My husband and son do though. I just thought I'd toss that out there to the OP. It is a great game though, so I'm not trying to undermine it at all.

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Hot Pursuit? Not that great compared to Underground.

We have both (Toys R US gave us a free copy of Hot Pursuit when we bought our 2nd Xbox) and I agree, Hot Pursuit doesn't compare with Underground. Ours are both on the Xbox though, but if it's the same across the platforms, my vote would go to Underground.
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Heres a good tip too that I have found. My kids are young so as careful as they may be with the discs they still get smudged, dropped, etc.



When we got them the Game Cube we intially bought them brand new games, we all know those things can run up to $50.


Well we had a video games store called Rhino open up they have new games, previously owned games. All the video games stores do this, but we buy all their games used now, $15-$20 never had a problem with any of them and even if u do they have to exchange it. That way something happens to one of their games wont be a huge loss of $50.

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Heres a good tip too that I have found. My kids are young so as careful as they may be with the discs they still get smudged, dropped, etc.



When we got them the Game Cube we intially bought them brand new games, we all know those things can run up to $50.


Well we had a video games store called Rhino open up they have new games, previously owned games. All the video games stores do this, but we buy all their games used now, $15-$20 never had a problem with any of them and even if u do they have to exchange it. That way something happens to one of their games wont be a huge loss of $50.

Rhino is owned by Blockbuster. Same concept as others, like you said. A good option if you are unsure of whether or not your kids will like a game! Heck, its a good option anytime!
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Rhino is owned by Blockbuster. Same concept as others, like you said. A good option if you are unsure of whether or not your kids will like a game! Heck, its a good option anytime!




Yep right next to Block Buster :D


Wasnt sure if all of em had the "double feature" LOL but guess they do.

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