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Looking for fun ways to give gift cards


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I'm looking for fun ways to give gift cards to family members this year. Found one where you put the gift card in a tin can and I really like ideas like that, ways that make the gift recipent have to work for the gift or just have fun getting it out.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :)

Thank you!

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I bought these cute candy jars from dollar tree (last year) and i filled them a bit with candy then shoved card in and then more candy --hersheys, m & m's etc..

I told them to be sure to eat ALL their candy. You couldn't see the cards at all since I removed cards from paper backing. Not that exciting..but at least they had candy, candy jar AND a gift card.

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One year I gave each of my parents cash in a box of little debbie snack cakes. I slide a knife to break the seal, put the money in the box, then re-glued the box. You couldn't even tell it had ever been opened! They unwrapped them and of course thought I had lost my mind giving them a box of little debbies for Christmas! I eventually had to tell them to open the box. Then they sat there trying to figure out how I got the money inside :)
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