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Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7 inch 179.99 at Amazon


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i dont know alot about tablets but my son wants one he wants a ipad but i cannot afford it to be honest can he do everything with this as the ipad plz any help would be so appreciated

I read somewhere that this is not compatible with Adobe Flash. Does anyone know for sure that this is the case?

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i dont know alot about tablets but my son wants one he wants a ipad but i cannot afford it to be honest can he do everything with this as the ipad plz any help would be so appreciated

The difference between an iPad adn this galaxy Tab2 (and most other tablets) is that the iPad runs iOS and the others runs Android operating System. It's like the difference between an iPod or another mp3 player, or liek a Mac computer and a PC. Just the paltform that they run on. Most likely, just like most people use the term iPod for a mp3 player, he is using the term iPad, because that is the most popular.


But yes, they all do mostly the same things. We have both, and really the only difference is what apps are available. Some are available on both, some are on only one or the other. But they both have a reall ygood selection. You cannot use the Apple App store on Android, you have to use an Android app store, liek Google Play, or Amazon App Store. The Galaxy Tab also has access to the Samsung App store. I usally check all three stores, sometimes one will be running a special on an app. :)


The other main thing, like racerfan mentioned, is that the Galaxy Tab has sd storage. iPad does not. So that's ataully a plus in my book!


One other thing. It may not be he wants a tablet at all. My son was asking for an iPad, after using ours in school for a few weeks because his Kindle died (he uses his Kindle for English reading books). After asking some questions, we realized that he had been playing a certain game with his friends before school every morning, they all had iPods or iPhones. So given the choice (he really wasn't going to get an iPad), he said he wanted the iPod, that would serve the same purpose, even better, because it fits in his pocket. He actually has used that for classwork too (they do a lot of video and photo projects). So you may want to ask what he wants to use it for...

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