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Anyone else have a BF partner who drives you crazy?


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I've been going with my brother on BF for the past few years, and he simply will not look at the BF ads that have already been leaked. He says it's pointless to look at them before Thanksgiving. He also thinks we need to wait in the Sears line an hour early or more to get the $10 gift card, even though we can save hundreds of dollars if we go to Best Buy instead. He barely even wants to talk about Black Friday. I wish I could have that kind of mentality... but since I don't, he's driving me crazy.



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Lol. Your brother must love free stuff. But why does he go to BF anyway? Luckily, I go with my friends. They don't drive me crazy since we can actually agree on where to go.

Actually, he rarely goes overboard on spending. In fact, one of the biggest drivers for him are the free JC Penney snowglobes :rotflol:. I think for him it's the experience over anything else, and the fact that it's become a tradition. We also sometimes go with a friend, so it's just a fun outing. So I guess that's why he's not really excited to see the ads early -- he probably won't be buying much anyway.



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I am going with my DIL and she has never been before. She is extremely excited she is only 23 yo. She has looked at the BF ads on here when I have been on. We printed out our list already and know where we are going. We will be in a Mall that has BB, JC Penney's, Sears, Express, Macy's, Filene's, and many more stores.
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I am going with my step mom and step sisters. None of which have any interest in toys which is what I want. They want to hit Belks and the clothing stores. I want toysrus, dicks, walmart and walgreens. So I have no clue what to do. Being sorta new to the family BF tradition, I don't think I have a say in it. They did make a detour to walmart for me last year so I could get a leap pad, but their heart wasn't in it and I felt bad.


I want to hit Belks as well because my step sister works there and can get us an additional 20% off on top of all the other deals(whatever they may be. Come on Belk ad!). but I really want to get us much as I can for my daughters xmas for the least amount of money. And I have coupons for toysrus to save a little more. What a dilemma, man!


Not only that, my step mom is always ragging on her daughters and usually it turns into an argument. That drives me crazy!

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I've been going with my brother on BF for the past few years, and he simply will not look at the BF ads that have already been leaked. He says it's pointless to look at them before Thanksgiving. He also thinks we need to wait in the Sears line an hour early or more to get the $10 gift card, even though we can save hundreds of dollars if we go to Best Buy instead. He barely even wants to talk about Black Friday. I wish I could have that kind of mentality... but since I don't, he's driving me crazy.



My hubby sounds alot like your brother. Maybe you could fly over here to CA and go w/ me???
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i have been planing this out for the past 12 days now and getting very excited:lolrun: about the laptops at bb and now my dw is having second thoughts:wife: about bf she was wanting to go but not now and i needed her with me. What sould i do?:confused::rant: me~~~>:fryingpan <~~~wife
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I go with my mom who loves to shop and get the best deals! We started last weekend. She drives me crazy because when we are in the stores she has no sense of direction at all and will just go in any direction and will not go towards the item she needs. I am usually redirecting her to get to the item and I sound rude after awhile. I love my mom though! She is my best friend and I am glad I get to shop with her!!!
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I usually go by myself but this year a friend is coming along. We have been shopping a few times in the last few weeks and she was keeping up pretty good. I already told her I will be picking her up at 4am and to have her printed lists and sales ads ready to go.
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My mom and I have gone together for quite awhile. This year, my aunt (mom's sister) wants to go, but she's not a big shopper. She doesn't really want to go to the mall at all which is were we want to go first (sears, pennys). She only wants to go to Target and maybe Kohls. We told her that she could go to target and meet up with us later!! She's only interested in toys and we aren't missing out on all the other stuff we want so that she can get toys!!!
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Guest general41391
I go with my dad...he wanted to leave at 3:30 a.m. this year...then I got him to go at 1:00 a.m. this year, and I convinced him now to leave our house at 11:30 pm and arrive 11:45pm
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