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Kohl's Electronic Price Tags


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I noticed that my local Kohls had switched to electronic price tags. The employee there said it was so they could automatically switch prices for sales events, especially during the holidays. That got me wondering if the shopping on Wednesday before Black Friday "deals" were not going to happen this year as they no longer need employees to switch the prices on Wednesday evening. Does anyone have any inside info on this? Do they have electronic price tags in all stores now?
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at mine they are only on the shoes..or are we talking about something different?

They replace the paper signs that were on top of the clothes racks and such. I hate them. They are not very visible from an angle, and are hard for me to see. I also have seen some wrong ones in places, more than I would see before with paper ones...

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They are similar to the ones in the shoe dept. I popped in to get some mens jeans the other day and noticed them in the mens dept., but didn't have time to check out the rest of the store. I guess I will have to check and see if the other Kohls in the area are doing it also. If they are, this will suck for my Wednesday Kohls night.
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OH yes they had these in some of the Dallas stores. I agree they are VERY hard to read. When you have to squint and use your hand to shade the light to read them INSIDE it has got to be a bad design...


I agree I don't like them for that reason. Although I have (not just at Kohls) gotten to the register with something I thought was supposed to be a sale but wasn't because an old ad sign was not removed....on good days I caught it BEFORE getting home and checking the receipt. So I guess these would help with that, if you can READ what it says :/

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My store I work at installed eSigns this past winter. A lot of customers commented on the difficulty of seeing the signs also. They are hard to view unless the sign is near eye level.


If I had to venture a guess for eSign stores, Kohls may have the signs switch early so that the toppers can still be put up on Wednesday. Also, if other eSign stores are like mine, they will still have paper signs for certain things (our store uses them for all Bulkstacks - Toys, Small Electrics), since stores are only given a certain number of eSigns. Bulkstacked items for BF will very likely have paper signs, and therefore get their paper signs on Wednesday prior to BF also.

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Our store just got the e signs also. I work there and they are supposed to cut down on price confusion of missed signs when prices go up after a big sale. They are meant to really be seen when you are up on them so you arent confused about the price of the item you are buying. im guessing if you shop at a store with esigns you will not be able to get some good black friday deals the night before if you are there shopping late while they are changing signs because they will all change over after the store closes.
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