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Contest: Caption Photos & Win Black Friday T-Shirts [Winners Posted]

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1: (Woman in the black jacket) “I mean it. Don’t come near my television!”

2: (Lady in the white coat) “I changed my mind! I’m going home!!!”

3: “Mom said I would have a place to sleep while she shopped, but this is ridiculous.”


#1) WTF? All I wanted was a frozen pizza....

#2) (Guy in the black hood) Keep the camera off me, I have a warrant out for my arrest but I REALLY need that 42 inch TV!

#3) How many days til the Superbowl?


Tina - would have loved to order a shirt, but am eternally late and didn't see the thread until today - so pick me, pick me!! lol!


P.S. We are on the news every year since it's a 4 generation shopping tradition thing .. we're good advertising for the site ;P


#1 I can't wait to get my GIANT Polaroid Camera home and take some BIG pictures! Wait, this ISN'T a Polaroid Camera?

#2 The Zombies are coming and I forgot my gun!

#3 we waited 4 days mom and all we have is pillows and comforters...where are all the toys?


1. If we put enough of these on our roof, our house can be seen from space.


2. Oh look, the have Gotta Deal tshirts!!


3. 10 PM Walmart openings suck!


I just realized I'm late, but just saw this posted on facebook.


1) Wait wait this TV is MINE!!!!


2) Is that an my DH in the front of the pack?? It is him!!!! (says the smiling lady in the black shirt)


3) This line is lonnnnnng I have time for a 30 minute nap and then it' your turn.


1) Walmart guy: If everyone will just proceed in an orderly fashion I'm sure we have enough $20 TVs for all of you.


2) Man in hoodie: Bwahaha...I beat all those crazy women through the door. The My Little Pony playsets shall ALL BE MINE!!


3) Dad: This is the face everyone will make when they receive these, the most boring gifts ever.


1. "Attention shoppers!

We have to recall all of these televisions as they forgot to put the nutritional label on them."


2. "Woo-hoody!

With The Honey Badger's potential return next season, those discounted Mathieu football jerseys will be worth something eventually.

Let me at 'em!""


3. "...sigh.

The l-trytophan from yesterday's turkey kicks in at the most inopportune moments..."

  Gator Pam said:

1. "Attention shoppers!

We have to recall all of these televisions as they forgot to put the nutritional label on them."


2. "Woo-hoody!

With The Honey Badger's potential return next season, those discounted Mathieu football jerseys will be worth something eventually.

Let me at 'em!""


3. "...sigh.

The l-trytophan from yesterday's turkey kicks in at the most inopportune moments..."

:g_hello: Welcome back Pam!!!


#1 I got my tv, now if there was only something on to watch

#2 "Justin Bieber....where's Justin Bieber"

#3 All this shopping poops me out


1. Walmart worker in blue with hand to his chest: "I'm having chest pains.....hello? Anyone?


2. Lady in green jacket: "I can't believe I agreed to get 'felt-up' to get the the head of the line. And he is NOT letting go! Creepy perv!"


3. "I can't believe Wal-mart is selling kids for less than $100 on Black Friday!"


1. Guy in the Walmart shirt..."It's not time yet! You can't start taking the TV's until 5:00am......right now is PJ's and toys only!!!!"

2. "Frozen TV's here I come!"

3. Dad "this is the last year!" Kid "This is the only way to do BF!"


Caption 1 Lady in front is pointing out the goy who stole her tv to her son to handle and get her tv back.

Caption 2 Lady in green jacket clothesling lady with blue hat for stomping her frozen toes.

Caption 3 Dad is wandering where is Mom because surely he didnkt get in this mess for a bean bag and doggie bed


#1 (The Lady in the dark Jacket From NYC.) "Frank Lets get a TV for my sistah Gi Gi, Heck we're already here (chuckles) why not you know ??!!"

(The Hubby.) "Honney Lets not get crazzy OKAY ? I know you exited but don't get too crazzy plz, I thought we were only getting 4 TV's For us & the kids this BF >:(


#2 (Every One) Ok, these people realy think they are getting that new Ipad deal (hhahaahha I DONT THINK SO IM HERE IM GETTING THE DEAL)


# 3 (The lady with the kid) "Ok what's really going on here, this KID IS NOT MINES. I mean I know the deals are great this year BUT COME ON PPLS dont leave your kid behind."




thats all i got lol, Great Contest Brad,

GOOD Luck Every one !!!:D


#1. "Polaroid? Man these are giant cameras."


#2. The Grim Reaper blends in well on black Friday.


#3. This guy knows how to shop for Bed, Bath, AND Beyond.


This contest has ended. I'll announce the winners tomorrow after I go through the responses and choose my favorites.


Look for another contest soon :D

  Stormydae said:


#2 Firsties on the bathroom!!

#His first camping trip.

You missed the contest end by a little bit, sorry. But another contest is coming! So keep your eyes open! :)


  Brad said:

This contest has ended. I'll announce the winners tomorrow after I go through the responses and choose my favorites.


Look for another contest soon :D


The 6 winners are:









Look for a PM from me soon to get your size & address info.


Congrats :D

  Brad said:

The 6 winners are:









Look for a PM from me soon to get your size & address info.


Congrats :D

Congratulations to all the winners! Wear those shirts proudly; you deserve them!

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