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LCD Monitor


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Not even close, Compusa's prices are not good at all on lcds even with the rebates. You can get their syntax olevia's right now for less without any rebates online. Not that best buy has anything good to offer in the 32 inch range but at least the smaller westinghouse is a good deal.
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Sony's monitors are spectecular... I mean simply amazing. I cannot over-state this... I'm looking to buy a 19" myself but everytime I go to BB I have to turn around thinking, "Who am I kidding?" Because compared to the Sony's all other monitors look archaic. Too bad Sony's are so pricey.
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I agree, Sony LCD's look the best. If Office Max, or Office Depot does not come up with a stellar deal, I will wait till January when the stores unload all the excess merchandise at huge discounts for tax purposes. I think the merchants know everyone wants LCD's for their computers this year.
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On a side note, Newegg.com is a fantastic resource for computer hardware. Some items may be cheaper elsewhere, but Newegg has consistently amazing prices and lighting fast shipping. I have recorded over 60 unique transactions (I build computers for friends) and I have NEVER had a problem with Newegg. Did I say the shipping is fast? Because it is!
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best buy and staples both have the samsung 914v BB(229) staples ($199)


the differences between the samsung and the mag are:


Samsung - 12ms response time

600:1 contrast ratio


Mag - 16ms response time

500:1 contrast ratio


the max resolution and dot pitch are the same

so the picture quality will be identical, but the samsung will go just a tiny bit brighter. Hope this helps

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