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Poor holiday sales lead Sears to close 100-120 Sears & Kmart Stores


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What was their hint, that there are more employees working in the store than there are customers shopping at the Kmarts here?


I went in one of the Kmarts here a few days ago only because I couldn't find something at any other store & 2 employees were loudly arguing with each other by the entrance door and none of the other employees seemed to be bothered by it. One of the friends that I was BF shopping with wanted to run into Kmart before we went home so we went there at 8 am on BF and there was very few customers in there.


Sears used to give out $10 off gift card / coupons to entice people to shop there, they didn't do any of that this year. I got Macy's coupons and JCPenney coupons in the mail, there were Bergners coupons in the paper, but where were the Sears coupons or incentives this year?

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I went into a Kmart a few weeks ago for the first time in years. All clearance toys were 50% off. They had them all on tables with a sign by the front doors. I got a few Lego sets and a scooter. Went to pay... 2 Lego set didn't ring u right, had to wait for a manager to override it. The scooter didn't ring up right, the front csm said it wasn't on sale, it was a sporting good. I showed her the table where 6 of them were, she said nope sorry they must have accidentally put them there. Asked for a manager, they called him he refused to give it to me at 50% off. That was a good reminder to me why I hadent been there in years.
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A sales person in at Sears got really snooty with my husband when he asked for some gizmo he had seen on TV. He was basically told by the salesman that he didn't carry junk in his department. We have a gift card that we got at Kmart for spending $50. Don't know when or even if we will ever use it.
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That's too bad, but I'm not surprised. My Kmart is always dead. They have one checkout lane open and more than 5 cars in the parking lot is busy to them. lol

Sad, but they just can't compete with SuperTarget and Walmart less than 5 blocks away.

I always say, I'm surprised my store is still open with how dead it always is. I do like Kmart though.

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We don't have a Kmart or Sears where we live now but my hometown has both. I don't ever shop at either store if I can help it. I hated Kmart since I was a kid because they would only have 1 checkstand open and the line took forever. I remember several times finding good deals but leaving my whole cart because I wasn't going to wait an hour to check out. The Sears is just clueless. I went there the other day to return a tool I bought online that they supposedly canceled and the manager had no idea how to process my return and had to call the help desk. So no, I'm not surprised either. I can't see them closing either of their stores in my hometown because Walmart is their only competition. DH hates those stores too but loves craftsman tools so for his sake, I hope they don't close them.
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I very seldom buy from there, but bought the Schwimm pink cruiser bike for myself on black friday. THey had 50% extra on all clearance and I bought tons of nice toys for xmas. My biggest complaint is the unfriendly help. Last year an employee was yelling at a little girl who was obviously her granddaughter. THe grandma kept screaming at her to shut up. I told her she was out of line doing that in a store. I don't believe in yelling at children anyway for crying. A child can't help themselves from crying. SHe chased me down in the store and yelled at me and told me to butt out and see how I acted when I had to raise my grandkids someday. I told her I had 3 and would never treat them like that. I just got out my phone in front of her and dialed the store number and asked to speak to her boss. A few minutes later I heard them page her . I don't tolerate treatment of children that way.
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Kmart and Sears in my area have gotten so run down these past several years that it feels like the quality is comparable to shopping at Ross or some other store that just gets low quality no name overstock. We used to shop there all the time when I was younger but I rarely go there now.


Layaway was nice this year though since it continued until xmas and not a few weeks before. One thing I didn't like about Walmart.

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I agree with rubi24 who said:


Everything I looKed at there this year for the holiday was priced higher than target, walmart and amazon YEP!!


but also want to say --


1-hope my mom's kmart doesn't close it is one of the only stores she can get clothes/electronics etc at that is near to her... and


2-sad to see people out of jobs.


3-- for years I have said to my to my sis/hubby/friends: I HATE SHOPPING AT ANY OF The Kmarts or Sears near me.

Their store's are DULL, set up poorly, racks too close together, AWFUL lighting, cranky employees--and there is nothing there that makes me want to think "WOW THIS PLACE HAS SUCH NICE THINGS THAT I'D LOVE TO BUY FOR GIFTS FOR MY LOVED ONES!"


they are soooo depressing. And the last time I bought an article of clothing at Sears, was baby clothes for my son, who is now 17! and before that, was a sweater when I was in 10th grade!!

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Not surprising to me either. Kmart is the only big store within 10 miles to me but a super Wal-Mart will be coming in next year. I don't expect that Kmart will be able to compete. Everytime I go in there something rings up higher than what it is priced. I usually end up driving to closest Wal-Mart to avoid the hassle. As for sears I am still upset with them for telling me they would have the tv DH wanted to buy BF. He was first in line and waited for hours in line only to be told they had sold out and could not order it. Luckily I was in mall when he called and told me so I could buy it there. Killed me giving them our money.
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We've had good luck with Sears a few times in the last year. Especially on out new oven. However I hate Kmart. Where I live now I don't even know where the Kmart is if we even have one (I think we do) but my hometown is a big city that used to have lots and now only has 1 for the whole area and they never have anything available online to pick up there. I never liked Kmart even when there were lots of them. They always seemed trashy inside compared to other stores. I would like sears to stay but have no use for Kmart.
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I just hope they don't close my aunts. It's not great that they overwork her on holidays then give her the bare minimum hours every other day of the year OR that they try to guilt her into working whole day shifts by "claiming" they'll keep it in mind when doing schedules later on in the year.


I was born in the country, speak English natively/fluently, went to a good HS, have a bachelors degree and computer skills and have been unemployed for over 8 months what hope does that leave for her :(


All that aside I hate shopping at Kmart. If the item is on sale it's either out of stock or hidden somewhere you'll never find it in the store. If it's not on sale I'd say 90% of the time there's no price tag and walking around the store to find the 1 price scanner is not something I do there knowing there's barely a chance it's a decent price. The last time I remember buying IN Sears was years ago. I ordered some shoes online on Christmas Day and some tools here and there for instore pickup but even then the Craftsman brand is not what it used to be.

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The Kmart by us is safe. My dh was surprised, he thinks it is always dead because they don't have many cars in the lot. His point of view is schewed though if you ask me since he works for Walmart. Our Kmart is in an area that probably has a lot of walkers visiting also. I don't shop there often but I like having the option.
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