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you limit the number of things on your kids christmas lists?


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DD isn't even 2 yet, so she doesn't make a list for me. But I keep a tally in my mind all year long of things I think she'd like and come Christmas I get the ones I can or I replace them with things that I think she'd like better.


The nieces and nephews are another story. I usually ask them what they want and they'll just tell me their "big" item.. then I have to coax the rest of their wants out of them ...lol I encourage them to ask for several things. They all know that DH & I will try to get the things they ask for, but they don't know which thing they asked for theyll get. lol

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My kids make their wish list of whatever and however many they want. We get them each a big ticket item(3 kids). Then 9 other little gifts like cds, dvds, games... that kind of thing. They each get ten and their stocking. Makes it even at opening time. My husband gets one from each of us and one from the group. I usually put a bunch of stuff in one box cause I always over purchase for him. Spoiled man that he is.
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I am on a super tight budget for christmas (200 bucks for 3 kids)so I get them one big thing (although its not that big but they dont know that) BUT this year I have an extra 100 dollars and see that the coveted GBA sp is on sale at WM for 48.00!! That is a huge shocker and enough to get mama out of bed at 4 to be there at 5 am to buy two of them. Also, at Best Buy, you can get two games for 15.00 so I am scooting over there next for 4 games.


I dont buy them clothes for christmas and they sort of give me a list but its weird, like science stuff and animals so they dont hold their breath.


I have heard that Santa was bringing them GBA's for a couple of years now and that IS heartbreaking. I am the most excited person in the world this year..now my only fear is that they will be sold out before I get there..LOL


its always something isnt it??



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My kids make several lists. Each with about 3-5 different items on each one. The lists are then handed out between grandma, grandpa, aunts, and uncles. That way, we have no fear of duplicate gifts and with all the lists combined and the list they make for me and Santa, they get pretty much everything they ask for.
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No, I don't limit the things they put on their lists but I do limit what I buy from the list. My kids have never gotten the impression that if you ask for it, they will receive. That is just building them up for disappointment later down the line. I also get things that they didn't even put on their lists. I'll never forget when Santa Clause got my DD a dollhouse and she was so excited to see it under the tree. Then she said, "How did Santa know I wanted this...I didn't even know I wanted this!!" :)

It adds to the surprise and excitement of Christmas!

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I tell mine to make a list of 3 main things that they have been asking for all year, and then some back ups. We usually make sure they have the 3 big things, and I usually tell my MIL about the rest and she covers that. Of course they get some odds n ends of extras, and always some clothes/shoes.


They are good kids and get told no alot thru the year so I try to make Christmas extra special.


Ive got 6 and only 4 of them are old enough to make a list BUT my 2 year old twins have ALREADY picked up on how to point to the TV and ohh and aww over all the toy commercials I WANT I WANT they say...................this we can thank the older 4 for teaching them so early :runaway:

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When my kids were little they would make list I would try to get most of everything on their list but it was always little things like teenage mutant turtles or power rangers. So they got a lot but it really didnt cost that much I would buy them large item Ie one year they got Little Tikes Easel . or One year they got Bikes (not really big ticket but a big gift ) Now that my kids are older 17,15,11 they get one big ticket item but its cost way more then it did when they were little. This year they will each get a new computer, some clothes, a computer game to play on the computer some DVDs but that is basically it.. It wont look like much under the tree but they are getting what they want. We had an Xbox 360 on hold but decided not to get it. I am sure it will make another person happy that we didnt pick it up. I guess we should have and put it on ebay:tongue1: but I know if I would have bought it , that xbox would hve been under the tree :3paperbag
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