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Christmas Book Exchange at Preschool


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Not a holiday book but my kids love "The Monster At The End Of This Book." Its about Grover freaking out that there is a monster at the end of the book and he tries everything he can think of to keep you from turning the page. (The monster ends up being him.)
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Can I make a suggestion? My kids pre-k does the book exchange as well. My kids HATE it when they get a Christmas book. After Christmas is over, they dont want to read it. I suggest getting a good book that can be enjoyed year round. Are they doing it where girls bring in for girls, or just any book that may go to anyone? If for girls, the Angelina Ballerina books have been on clearance for .99 at Americangirl.com. HTH.
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Can I make a suggestion? My kids pre-k does the book exchange as well. My kids HATE it when they get a Christmas book. After Christmas is over, they dont want to read it. I suggest getting a good book that can be enjoyed year round. Are they doing it where girls bring in for girls, or just any book that may go to anyone? If for girls, the Angelina Ballerina books have been on clearance for .99 at Americangirl.com. HTH.

I have a 4 year old that just LOVES the Angelina books! This would be a great idea! I may go on there and see what I can get to put away for upcoming birthday parties!:tweety:
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Kohl's has the "Kohl's Cares for Kids" program where they sell nice hardcover children's books with dust jackets for $5 each. Plus 100% of the net profits go to benefit children in the community. They currently are offering Charlie Brown books. They are available online or at the store.
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...can't think of the name of the book (will do some looking!) but how about the book about the little boy who has to sell his donkey because it is to old to work so he goes to town...when it looks like he willhave to sell it to the "tanner" who walks up but a man who wants a donkey to take his wife to Bethleham....can't for the life of me think of the title but it's a winner in our house every Christmas!
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Scholastic Book Fairs has a great warehouse sale every December and May. It's one of my traditional shopping spots every year since my whole family has huge readers. They have warehouses in almost every state and the books are 50% off the cover price. In addition, scholastic has softcover editions of a lot of books that are only available in hard cover in retail sites so you end up saving even more. I hope the link posts. When you get to that page you click on your state name for the warehouses in your area. FYI, although I am not a school employee, I have never been asked when I've walked in. I sign in and put down that I am a book fair volunteer (which I am every year at my DD's school.)


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