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Need gift ideas for 5 yr old boy


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Thanks everyone,


Will check those. I like the Laptop. He already has the leapster Lmax, so V-smile is not needed.


I will check other things that are mentioned in this thread since I have no idea what they are.


Thanks a lot and will get back to you.



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My son just turned 5. Here is his list of "I want that."

Hot Wheels- anything

Power Rangers- SPD Morpher, SPD Patrol Cycle, Sword thing (sorry I don't know what it is called), anything else

Spiderman- tripple action web blaster, light-up mask, anything else

Starwars- built your own light saber, action figures

Lincon Logs, Legos, Knex', RC cars, balls (sports stuff)


Just remember when buying for a 5 year old.... Its not the amount you spend but how many presents they get.:holiday02

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That's so funny, because my six year old daughter asked for a vac last year! I got her one of those push kind that are not electric and it fell apart after like a month, lol. She LOVES to clean (she didn't get it from her mama!) and I think I am going to pick up one of the stick vacs at walmart on BF for her. She will be tickled pink!




Oh, and he's not into how many presents he gets. In fact, last year all he wanted for Christmas was a toy mop, a toy broom, and a toy zoo. He's pretty easy to please. :)

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The SP will be on sale at walmart, but add a game and it would be over the price you are looking to spend.



The Disney Scene it game , Battleship or even Uno Attack as far as "board games" go.


Legos, Power Rangers, Hotwheels, remote control cars

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Guest all2tired
They seem to really enjoy RC cars and trucks at that age too. The air hogs zero gravity (goes up walls) is on sale at TRU. Not sure if it's $49 or $59 though. But any RC car or truck should do and you can find some at low prices
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