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ok admit it....you have got sick decorating your Christmas tree...lol....I get sick going round and round the tree putting the lights and the garland on it...lol...now I dont let dh leave until he helps me wrap them around the tree...about 3 yrs ago I literally had to finish the tree the next day because it made me soooo sick...lol...dh just laughed at me...hey...I cant help it I get motion sickness soooooooo very easy.....lol:runaway:
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I can honestly say that has never happened to me so yes, I am laughing (sorry, couldn't help it). You might try popping a couple dramamine this year. Good Luck!:giggle:

LOL...took enough of them in my life time....lol...should have bought stock in them...lol
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I am laughing, but only because it happens to me (so I'm really laughing with you)! ;)


What I've learned to do (since we have a fake tree) is to weave the lights up and down on top of each level before putting on the next section. That way, I don't get sick from going in circles and when I'm finished, the lights show up from inside the tree as well as the outside. Admittedly, I learned this technique from a co-worker!

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I just supervise while the woman does all the work. Have yet to get sick from that. ;)


Gee that sounds like how it works in my house! It usually takes me two days to get the tree completely decorated....I am only 5 feet tall and our trees are always in the 14-15 foot area....hauling that huge ladder around the tree wears me out!!! :cheesy:

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Guest Deals4Me

LOL...took enough of them in my life time....lol...should have bought stock in them...lol

Have you tried the pressure point wristbands? You can buy them at the Walmart.... My hubby swears by them!

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Have you tried the pressure point wristbands? You can buy them at the Walmart.... My hubby swears by them!

yea...the only thing I got with them is pain....evidently I didnt have it in the right spot....all I know is that it really hurt...lol
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I don't put the lights on the tree,,hubby does that then me and my daughter finish decorating it. But he hates checking to see if all he lights are going to work,,,usually a few are out and he has to put new ones. By the times he has them all set with new bulbs the lights are tangled up. I just go about my business and not say anything or we wouldn't be having lights on the tree. He refuses to decorate by the time the lights are wrapped around the tree...lol
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hubby hates it when I holler..".GET THE TREE DOWN AND PUT IT ON THE PORCH...OPEN IT UP MAKE SURE NO MICE ARE IN IT...MAKE SURE ALL THE SPIDERS ARE OUT...AND THE LADIE BUGS"...LOL...he takes the girls to his mothers for atleast an hr so I can atleast get thelights on it...but I have a new bigger tree so might need more time...lol
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ok admit it....you have got sick decorating your Christmas tree...lol....I get sick going round and round the tree putting the lights and the garland on it...lol...now I dont let dh leave until he helps me wrap them around the tree...about 3 yrs ago I literally had to finish the tree the next day because it made me soooo sick...lol...dh just laughed at me...hey...I cant help it I get motion sickness soooooooo very easy.....lol:runaway:

Way to funny!:D
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