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The best gift I have ever gotten for Christmas was......

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my best friend got a pair of gold hoops.she kept one and when i opened my gift from her which was a purse i had been wanting and siome perfume there was one hoop earring on a card.she kept one to put in her xtra hole in her ear and i got the other one for the tragus part of my ear.that part of your ear is just above your earlobe.i had to go to a tattoo place to get it done.but that has been 3 years since that christmas and i still have the hoop in that part of my ear

A land/sea vacation with Disney! It was actually a birthday/xmas present, and we spent 3 days at Disney World, 4 days on the Disney Wonder ship. The only "bad" thing was we did the vacation a month early (November), but both the parks and ship were decorated for Christmas, so it definitely put me in the right mind frame!:2wiggle:


And I just found out that we're going back this December (6-10th), so I'll be able to stock up on Mickey Ornaments!! YAY!

My daughter was my best gift ever....born on christmas eve. Yeah I spent chritsmas in the hospital, but I got to spend her first christmas alone with her. I will always cherish that. Her birth made me love christmas even more than I already did!
Married December 16, 1989 and DS born Dec. 7, 1991 AND our gift of a cruise to Disney from Big Brother/Big Sister / our town's American Legion Post. :usaribbon December 12-19 2005
  destinyusa said:

:) My Daughter she was born on Dec.23rd and I got to take her home on Christmas. :angel1::runaway:


OK, she beat everyone :gd_opera:


Unless someone comes up with a transplant or something like that :trampolin


the fact I still have all of my family to celebrate with is definately the best.


Material things are so...small


My dad's 76 and has emphysema so he's the most important thing. He's here, and he's still in good shape and can participate in things.



I have gotten so many nice things. I think my all time favorite was the year my Dad had my Grandmaws cameo mounted as a pin for me. Although I never got to meet her, I felt like I had just received a Christmas gift from her. It is priceless to me.
Mine would be the one I just got today. Dh bought me a kitchen aid mixer and knew I wanted it so bad he gave it to me early. Someone had a brand new one and sold it to him for $100.00. It also came with the meat grinder attachment.
Well in 1986 I got a new Camaro for Christmas,,,but the present I like the best I got 3 years ago for Christmas which was a Thomas Kincade painting (one of the cottages series) in a beautiful frame.
Last year my best gift was a plain brown envolope filled with pictures that my Aunt gave me. That was the best gift I ever recieved. Both of my grandparents are gone now and my Grandmother had a stack of albums skyhigh. My aunt went through them and split them up between everyone. Also she gave me my grandmother christmas tree ornaments. Every year it's nice to have a part of Grandma and Grandpa still with me at Christmas time.
  Ravenseye said:

the fact I still have all of my family to celebrate with is definately the best.


Material things are so...small


My dad's 76 and has emphysema so he's the most important thing. He's here, and he's still in good shape and can participate in things.



You are so right...what I wouldn't give to have my parents back. My mom's been dead 4 years(was only 55) and dad died almost 2 years ago(he was 72 and also had emphysema along w/ CPD)
Last year when we got snowed in and couldn't get out for 3 days. :) I did miss our usual Christmas with family. :( This is the first time we have never been running around trying to get everything done and feeling the stress. We got to spend Christmas together, just us four. Which means alot now days. Best Christmas I have had. :yup: The kids liked it too since Christmas lasted until after the New Year for us, when we finally got together with everyone.
Mine was also the birth of our daughter 12/23/03. She was 5 weeks early and I had been in the hospital for a month before she was born. She came home only weighing 4 pounds 14 ounces! We came home Christmas morning. My mother had come over and cleaned and decorated our home. It was the best Christmas ever!
Going home to Fl for the first time in like 8 years, to spend time with my Whole family, I knew it was going to be a hassle, and my hubby and kids didnt want to go, But we went we suffered we slept on the floors, But that Christmas will remain the rest of my life as my Mom died the Feb after on her 50 wedding ann. But I cherish that last Chrsitmas more then anything and My hubby never said a word about being there. So that was my best Christmas present ever
Guest all2tired
  gigit65 said:

The year my husband bought me "It's a wonderful life" It snowed on that christmas and even though he HATES it we watched it all day.

I love that movie and DH finally got it for me last Christmas.



My best present...

When I was 4 months pregnant with my daughter, I started having horrible pain but the pain was too high to be from the baby. My Dr sent me for an ultrasound and they found a tumor on my kidney. Nothing could be done until my daughter was born. As she was growing inside of me and pushed everything up, it caused the tumor to give me pain. If it wasn't for her, this tumor might not have been found in time where it was treatable so my best present was the day my unborn daughter saved my life.

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