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Every year we get an extra toy on BF and put it in the Toys for Tots box in the corridor. We have "adopted" angels in the past too from the Angel Tree. We try to help by donating or volunteering somewhere. Do you donate to Christmas charities? If so which ones?
I have in the past donated a toy. I alway drop some coins for the bell ringers and in my town we have Christmas for the Needy who stand outside P&C so I usually give to them also.
The Salvation Army puts out a bunch of names of kids who are in situations where their parent's wouldn't be able to afford gift for them. Our bank puts all their names on a tree, and I always "adopt" a kid every year. Usually I get them a toy and some new clothes.
My family every year adopts a family through our church. Last year we took on a family of 5. Bought everything from christmas dinner to toys to clothing for the family. My own children pick out the family from a list given to us through the church. One year they picked out a family of 2 (single mom and child) and one year picked a family of 4. Just depends I guess.
That's a really good idea! We need more programs like that around here. I know they have charities that give toys to kids who need them, but it stops there. The dinner is a great idea. I know we have a local community Tgiving dinner for those that don't have anywhere to go and it has become really big. But you don't think about Christmas dinner.
Yes, my church when you sign up to help out family in need askes if you can provide the dinner also. There is also a sign up list for church members to just provide dinner. I just buy everthing and presents. Thats another reason why BF is important as I buy gifts for my "adopted" family too.
My sister lives in a town that is very small and I joined their auxiliary to help raise money for the kids of the town. And every year we hold a tgiving dinner for the community, but I never thought of having a Christmas dinner or adopting families. We do have my dh dress as Santa for the kids tho. That is such a good idea I may put it to them and see what they think. The whole town is like 90% poverty level so it would be a nice thing to do. Thank you for the idea! :D
Your welcome. Its always nice to see a child open a gift, but its even better to see them full too! I try to include some goodies too besides the traditional turkey and sides. Make (or buy) desserts too! I also do stockings too. But give them to the parents so the little ones think santa brought it.
I have already got my brainstorming going! :D I will have to call my sister and see if we can get a meeting this weekend so we can get it started. I agree about the kids being full also. It isn't always about the presents. My father used to do the 'Shop With a Cop' program b4 he retired. The kids would always buy for their parents before they even picked out something for themselves. He said it was amazing how these children who have so little still think of others before themselves.
Its so true. Im telling you its so fullfilling to see the excitement in the whole families eyes. My children are learning super life lessons and enjoy helping others. Growing up my mom and dad always adopted a family and I didn't think twice when it came available for my own family to do it. One year we even found out they had one cat and bought a cat stocking at Walmart for it. One of the little ones of the family couldn't believe "santa" remember their cat. I love those memories!
That is so right about the cat! My daughter ALWAYS asks for presents for our pets (2 dogs/2 cats) from Santa. And its like if he brings them then he MUST exist! It is so great that you are passing the tradition down to your kids too. It's a life lesson that they will learn and grow a lot from. Sounds like you had great teachers also! :D

I am very active in the Brian Morden Foundation. Brian was DS's best friend who died 2 years ago after a 2 year battle with Ewing's Sarcoma. His family began the foundation to help raise awareness/find a cure/make a difference in the lives of those touched by childhood cancers.(www.brianmordenfoundation.org if you want to learn more)

Every major holiday (and some minor ones now), one of the things we do is make "Brian Baskets" to send to children who are inpatients. Christmas is our biggest one, naturally. Each child gets a REAL present, plus the basket which is filled with crafts, books, jewelry, stuffed animals, etc... things to make it a little less painful to be in the hospital. Last year, thanks to this forum and a precise gameplan, I was able to donate things like electronic organizers, hot wheels cars, lots of games, and stuff I would have never considered possible.

We also do Santa's Elf through DD's elementary school (make a stocking worth $10-$20 for a child in the Children & Youth Services).

No, we aren't wealthy.... far from it (especially since I lost my job and have had trouble finding a replacement) but we are thankful for what we have and that there will always be something to share.

I'll shut up now. :D

we always to this....we get a name off the tree at walmart...or our local school or store...and our church has been buying 2 coats for tots also...I pick them up when they go on sell...I just love to help out other kids.

I am very active in the Brian Morden Foundation. Brian was DS's best friend who died 2 years ago after a 2 year battle with Ewing's Sarcoma. His family began the foundation to help raise awareness/find a cure/make a difference in the lives of those touched by childhood cancers.(www.brianmordenfoundation.org if you want to learn more)

Every major holiday (and some minor ones now), one of the things we do is make "Brian Baskets" to send to children who are inpatients. Christmas is our biggest one, naturally. Each child gets a REAL present, plus the basket which is filled with ........

My bil's cousin died from Ewing's Sarcoma 11 years ago. It was a horrible thing to watch Crystal go like that, but she fought it so hard. I'm so happy to hear the great things you are bringing to these children who are facing such horrible circumstances. Thank you for the link, I will pass it on to my bil and Crystal's parents. They still have yet to heal, so maybe this will help. Thank you. :)


I have already got my brainstorming going! :D I will have to call my sister and see if we can get a meeting this weekend so we can get it started. I agree about the kids being full also. It isn't always about the presents. My father used to do the 'Shop With a Cop' program b4 he retired. The kids would always buy for their parents before they even picked out something for themselves. He said it was amazing how these children who have so little still think of others before themselves.

My neice and nephew got to do this with the cops 3 yrs ago....their dad had a wreck and broke his neck in June and so no income...they called here to get there information because she has no phone and they offered for me to take my 2 girls in too...I said no...they get plenty...leave for a less fortunate child...boy I was tempted:D but just couldnt..lol...they offered because she felt bad calling my home and talking about it with me that she just had to offer it to me...which was very nice ofher to do....It is nice that they do help out families:hearthrob

My neice and nephew got to do this with the cops 3 yrs ago....their dad had a wreck and broke his neck in June and so no income...they called here to get there information because she has no phone and they offered for me to take my 2 girls in too...I said no...they get plenty...leave for a less fortunate child...boy I was tempted:D but just couldnt..lol...they offered because she felt bad calling my home and talking about it with me that she just had to offer it to me...which was very nice ofher to do....It is nice that they do help out families:hearthrob

Yeah it is a really good program. Not only do the children get things for Christmas, but it creates a relationship between them and the law enforcement community. They can see that the police aren't that scary and maybe some of the officers can be mentors. Some of these children come from broken homes or are foster children and have seen nothing but the "other side" of law enforcement. So this is a great way to show them that officers aren't that bad at all! ;)


I hope your niece/nephew's father is better now, btw!

he is....I kept them for 2 months..with my sil june72 helps...because the wreck was June 1st and I had my baby June 12...lol..we think the baby thought that they was her brother and sister since they was here for so long...lol....Yea I agree...gets the children to see that Police officers are not the bad guy all the time...lol...if anybody wants to look in to the coat thing...you can just go to your local school and ask if there are children in need of new coats...you can see by what the child is wearing...no need to ask...lol.

You know I think that is a terrific idea. I always donate my kids outgrown coats to the local pantry, but I never thought of buying new ones and taking them to the school. Wow! I am learning a lot today! :D Ty for the tip! I will ask today.


Glad to hear he is better!

lol...thanks......if if you think that this is something you wnat to start doing...just get you a couple of coats each yr. when they get marked down really low....I wait til they are marked down that way I can buy more then 1 high price coat...get 2 for the price of one...lol.....I will warn you ...some families will take advantage of this...we have a family or 2 in my dds school that takes advantage of the generosity that the schools give them....they are just to lazy to wash clothes so come to school to get clean ones..and that really tees me off...not for the kids ,,they can have it all the time ...its the parents that I want to wringe there neck...grrrrrr..

I volunteer w/a homeless shelter (hubby works there)..men/women & children. Many of the men esp.have no family and most folks 'forget' about the men. They are people too & enjoy a small gift. Every year we make bags for them...inc. ANYTHING we can get donated..socks,hats,gloves, scarves, soap,shampoo, toothbrush and paster, razor and shaving cream, chapstick, lotion etc, etc, etc.... Last yr they even had new sweatshirts for all and new shoes donated for the women. They came thru 12/24..some cried as it was the ONLY gift they would get last yr.

So...when you're ouf shopping BF..as you see that 'can it be' deal on something like above, pick it up and donate it! Yes, Christmas is for kids, but adults like it too!

So far this yr I have soap/shampoo/toothbrush-paste/chapstick/blistex/deod. as well as about 6 different kinds of snacks. I'll be combing those aisles for the deals! We made 150-200 bags.. needless to say there is not much left over for BF for us! But, we still have fun looking and finding those deals! Last yr it was $19 DVD players. We even splurged & bought out selves :)

Please think of others as you shop BF and the entire holiday season!


thank you for reminding us that there are some less fortunate ones out there also....



somebody on there job here...lol...as I was posting this was being moved...lol

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