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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2011

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Should I even say it... I so forgot about the prices going down yesterday! Realized it, this morning... hit my closest target (elsinore) at 8:30am and didnt find alot.

but I did get:

Monopoly CIty $7.xx

playskool explore and grow $3.xx

learning resource sorting shapes $3.xx

my little pony hat box $7.xx

See n say, junior $1.74

glitter/water small ball $1.74

Tinker Bells Halo $1.46

Fisher Price art tv thing $11.xx *good find*

Ken Barbie $3.xx

my littel one 3 in 1 care center $24.xx *good find*


At Murrieta store, they had nothing... 30% off kids little tents! But I got

red glitter shoes $3.xx


I am heading over to Menifee, crossing fingers for something left!

  cutexianchick said:

Should I even say it... I so forgot about the prices going down yesterday! Realized it, this morning... hit my closest target (elsinore) at 8:30am and didnt find alot.


Oh....it PAINS ME! I think I would be sick if I missed.


There were still 8 Circo Train Tables at the Pasadena East store if anyone is in this area.


Tons and tons of the Big Foot Monster at every store I have been to as well as that video game cycle thing. I can't remember what it is called, but it was popular last year.

You all are lucky, went to the two Targets in my area yesterday and today, was able to get a lot. BUT really wanted to get DS the Big Foot Monster and the collector's pack of Star Wars fingures and neither one had them. :( Will continue to check and hope that someone has buyers remorse and returns one. *fingers crossed!*
  camsmom said:

You all are lucky, went to the two Targets in my area yesterday and today, was able to get a lot. BUT really wanted to get DS the Big Foot Monster and the collector's pack of Star Wars fingures and neither one had them. :( Will continue to check and hope that someone has buyers remorse and returns one. *fingers crossed!*

Oh, that is a shame! They have boatloads of them out here. Too bad shipping would cost so much. It would probably run $20 to ship cross country. Then you are back at the 50% price!

  Madyy said:

Wow you got some great stuff! Which Target was this at? And was there still a lot of kitchen/Corningware stuff left?

Custer/121 in Mckinney


I had to make another stop in Frisco around 10am so I decided to stop at the one on Warren Parkway. I did see a 16 pc Corningware. I passed on it, figured it'll make someone else do the "happy dance" like I did when I found one.

  fluffkin79 said:

I know someone already posted a pic, but it looks like I got all the stuff that sabbie didn't so here's mine:

Wow! You got some good stuff....things that I didn't even see around here at 30% off! :cheesy


###Tangled Castle Table and Chairs $12.48

###Dora Window Surprises Dollhouse $19.98

###Home Sweet Home Playset (redbox) $5.00

###TS3 Shake N Go Speedway $12.48

###Chuck's Stunt Park $7.25

###Play Wonder Wooden Fruit $2.48

###Play Wonder Wooden Ice Cream $2.48

###Sanrio 50th Anniversary Collectible Plush Set $4.98

###Hot Wheels Radar Rocket Set $5.48

###Magic Rise Cake $3.74

###Swim & Splash Mermaid Dora $3.74

###Princess & the Frog Puzzle in tin $1.76

###Hot Wheels Cyborg Blaster Set $5.48

###Transformers Child's Costume $3.74

###Black & Decker Tool Set $2.50

###Circo Wooden Wagon w/ Blocks $2.74

###Imaginext Joker's Fun House $7.48

###Polly Pocket Magic Fashion Stage $8.74

###Stainless Steel Play Cookware (redbox) $3.75

###TS3 Buzz Lightyear Space Scope $2.48

###iCarly Truth or Dare Bear $3.74

###TS3 Hot Wheels Sparks Turbo Launcher $3.74

###Leap Frog Fix N Learn Speedy $6.24



###Franklin T-ball glove and ball set $2.48

###Sigg Hello Kitty Drink Bottle $4.48

###Cherokee Holling black girls dress shoes $3.74

just a reminder, remember to take the price stickers off now when they are fresh, they are a pain in 11 months trying to get them off. I have broke alot of nails scraping those suckers off LOL
  Timswife81404 said:

###Tangled Castle Table and Chairs $12.48

###Dora Window Surprises Dollhouse $19.98

###Home Sweet Home Playset (redbox) $5.00

###TS3 Shake N Go Speedway $12.48

###Chuck's Stunt Park $7.25

###Play Wonder Wooden Fruit $2.48

###Play Wonder Wooden Ice Cream $2.48

###Sanrio 50th Anniversary Collectible Plush Set $4.98

###Hot Wheels Radar Rocket Set $5.48

###Magic Rise Cake $3.74

###Swim & Splash Mermaid Dora $3.74

###Princess & the Frog Puzzle in tin $1.76

###Hot Wheels Cyborg Blaster Set $5.48

###Transformers Child's Costume $3.74

###Black & Decker Tool Set $2.50

###Circo Wooden Wagon w/ Blocks $2.74

###Imaginext Joker's Fun House $7.48

###Polly Pocket Magic Fashion Stage $8.74

###Stainless Steel Play Cookware (redbox) $3.75

###TS3 Buzz Lightyear Space Scope $2.48

###iCarly Truth or Dare Bear $3.74

###TS3 Hot Wheels Sparks Turbo Launcher $3.74

###Leap Frog Fix N Learn Speedy $6.24



###Franklin T-ball glove and ball set $2.48

###Sigg Hello Kitty Drink Bottle $4.48

###Cherokee Holling black girls dress shoes $3.74

Wow! You found even more stuff that I never saw. When did you find these? I found a Lighting McQueen Ball and glove set on Thursday, but it wasn't 75% off yet. Did these get marked down on Friday or is it totally different from the Franklin one you got?


I have a question!!


I was at another Target that had nothing left, but I found (cant remember the exact name) Lil Mommies... It was a doll that said stuff. The doll looked the same as alot of dolls target carries. Anyway, someone had peeled off the clearance price tag, it rung up $17.00. I was thinking that this $17 was possibly a 50% off price? I asked the girl in the department to look it up and she treid but it wasnt showing a price prior to that. I didnt take it any farther I just didnt get it. Does anyone remember what she was ringing full price?


Hi everyone,

I've been a big follower of thus forum but never posted anything. Since this is my first post I'd like to say thank you to all of you for posting up such great deals for everyone to find. I live in Valley Stream, Ny and have been to the Valley Stream and Westburu stores and they are still at 30-50% off toys...whack, lol. I'm nervous I'm going to miss it so I've been going everyday!

I did go to the Hicksville store and saw thatbtheu marked the toys to 75%. Since it's not my local store the shelves were practically empty but I was able to score a toy story 3 train for 9.98 and a tinkerbell fairy doll with light up wings for 4.98. I'll be checking today at the Valley Stream store to see if they marked down.


Anyone here live in Long Island, Ny?

I went to the Target on Michigan Rd in Indianapolis last night. There were some toys marked 75% off but there weren't many. (If I can remember, Littlest Pet Shop, Zhu Zhu Pet tunnel, a couple Thomas the Train for wooden tracks). Legos, I believe, are 30%-50% off. Those hockey tables people were mentioning are still only 30% off (I didn't scan, that's just what the sign said). There were tons of clothes marked down to only a few dollars each. Children's shoes marked down to around $4.20. I got several Champion Fleeces for only $3.74 ea...I love wearing these to the gym!
  cutexianchick said:

I have a question!!


I was at another Target that had nothing left, but I found (cant remember the exact name) Lil Mommies... It was a doll that said stuff. The doll looked the same as alot of dolls target carries. Anyway, someone had peeled off the clearance price tag, it rung up $17.00. I was thinking that this $17 was possibly a 50% off price? I asked the girl in the department to look it up and she treid but it wasnt showing a price prior to that. I didnt take it any farther I just didnt get it. Does anyone remember what she was ringing full price?

I can't remember the exact name of it, but a friend of mine had me look for her. It was a Little Mommy Giggle N Roll doll or something to that effect. The 75% price was $17.00. So, if it was that one, it would be the correct price.

  cutexianchick said:

I have a question!!


I was at another Target that had nothing left, but I found (cant remember the exact name) Lil Mommies... It was a doll that said stuff. The doll looked the same as alot of dolls target carries. Anyway, someone had peeled off the clearance price tag, it rung up $17.00. I was thinking that this $17 was possibly a 50% off price? I asked the girl in the department to look it up and she treid but it wasnt showing a price prior to that. I didnt take it any farther I just didnt get it. Does anyone remember what she was ringing full price?

I believe that full price was around $34.xx. If it was the last one, it could have been missed by the markdown team. In the past, if I know an item should be marked down, I try to find a markdown team member and ask if they could scan it to see if it had been missed. It's a 50/50 shot if they actually will do it or not.

  Brad said:

As many of you know, Target B&M stores are known for their terrific clearance deals. This thread is for GottaDeal.com forum members to share their latest clearance finds. Also, please keep non-clearance discussion to a minimum - there are other threads for discussing weekly sale ads and store policy. This first post will contain some background information on the wonderful world of Target clearance, otherwise known around here as Perimeter Perusing!

Folks, just a gentle reminder - let's keep this thread aimed at clearance posts. The discussion of Jane/Joe buying too many of this/that is truly a mute point - as we all have our own opinions, and I don't feel that the majority will come to an agreement, nor is it the point of this thread.

This thread is to share what clearance items you find and sharing that you gottadeal!

So with that said, what did you all find today? I'm sitting here contemplating either Target or the Mall - it's a tough decision.


  noehlp said:

Folks, just a gentle reminder - let's keep this thread aimed at clearance posts. The discussion of Jane/Joe buying too many of this/that is truly a mute point - as we all have our own opinions, and I don't feel that the majority will come to an agreement, nor is it the point of this thread.

This thread is to share what clearance items you find and sharing that you gottadeal!

So with that said, what did you all find today? I'm sitting here contemplating either Target or the Mall - it's a tough decision.


How about both?! Usually theres a Target close to the mall!

  cutexianchick said:

I have a question!!


I was at another Target that had nothing left, but I found (cant remember the exact name) Lil Mommies... It was a doll that said stuff. The doll looked the same as alot of dolls target carries. Anyway, someone had peeled off the clearance price tag, it rung up $17.00. I was thinking that this $17 was possibly a 50% off price? I asked the girl in the department to look it up and she treid but it wasnt showing a price prior to that. I didnt take it any farther I just didnt get it. Does anyone remember what she was ringing full price?

I don't know if it was the case with this doll but they have been known to put something on clearance and then a few days later mark it back up to full price and remove all the clearance tags.

There were two little mommies dolls. One was a walk n giggle or something. That one was $17 on the 75% price. The other one was a interactive doll that had a bed, stroller, table and talks. She was $12 on clearance

*waving from the Seattle, WA area*


Hey all.


Obviously, I've been traveling the past few days, so thank you to noehlp for posting the reminder about keeping the subject of our posts on clearance finds at Target.

Yes, shelf clearers are taking what clearance deals there may be, but we are not here to judge others habits.


So, what else has everyone found?


I've cleaned up the thread a bit. Nothing like a little Saturday morning cleaning before going to the gym.


Please keep the discussion on the topic of Target clearance. Such as my story of...


"I went to Target last night to peruse their 75% off but I couldn't find much that a 4 and 2 year old would appreciate that their mom wouldn't get annoyed at me for buying." Although the Tonka trucks were tempting.


One thing I found, that I don't remember seeing in other posts, are the Lego Head Lamps. Only saw them at one store.


###204-07-0780 Lego Head Lamp $2.98


And here I was excited when I found the Lego Keychain Flashlights a few weeks ago!

Thanks to everyone!! $17.00 is the 75% off price. So umm why didnt I think of just going on Target.com??... LOL It is the little mommie giggle one, normally $68 and she didnt get very good reviews. So, I am glad I left it... this will make another little girl happy, my daughter has too much already! :)

I know that, I was suggesting that you may want to check your local teams sport clothes section, they may be marked down to 75% also. Some was in the mens section, some was in the boys, and some was in the sporting goods area.


I found 4 different White Sox t-shirts for my son, and they are the official brand! He was very excited since that's all he would wear every day if he could would be sports team shirts.

  kimpooh19 said:

I can't remember the exact name of it, but a friend of mine had me look for her. It was a Little Mommy Giggle N Roll doll or something to that effect. The 75% price was $17.00. So, if it was that one, it would be the correct price.

I have the Little Mommy Walk & Giggle and the orig was $68.00 and I got it for $17.00. That's the 75% off price.

  Stowasser said:

just a reminder, remember to take the price stickers off now when they are fresh, they are a pain in 11 months trying to get them off. I have broke alot of nails scraping those suckers off LOL

LOL, thanks for reminding me. I was so annoyed when it took me longer to pry the clearance sticker off then it did to wrap the present and I was using the flat end of the wrapping paper cutter thing to get them off because I got sick of breaking my nails on them.


I found an Our Generation pop up doll house for $14.98. The box was pretty torn up and the clearance sticker was wrong, but it was for my own DD so we thought we'd give it a try. It's super cute.




I also found on Thursday (most of which has been listed already):

Leapfrop word whammer fridge phonics- $6.24 x 6 (our store had about 30 of these)

toy story 3 tag pen and book set- $11.24

Fisher Price kid tough video camera pink- $11.24

Little People Discovery Airport- $9.98

Barbie Fashion Fairytale doll (the blue one)- $3.24

FurReal Cub- $8.74

Tangled table and chair set- $11.24 (I bought this at 50% off so after purchasing, I returned it for my 50% off price)

  targetmom3 said:

LOL, thanks for reminding me. I was so annoyed when it took me longer to pry the clearance sticker off then it did to wrap the present and I was using the flat end of the wrapping paper cutter thing to get them off because I got sick of breaking my nails on them.

or end up ripping the cardboard facing off...

  fluffkin79 said:

Wow! You found even more stuff that I never saw. When did you find these? I found a Lighting McQueen Ball and glove set on Thursday, but it wasn't 75% off yet. Did these get marked down on Friday or is it totally different from the Franklin one you got?


I got everything on Thursday. I didn't find the glove until my noon visit, it wasn't marked down when I left at 9am but when I went back it had been marked down.



Not sure if this helps you but here is the DPCI....It's a blue and black glove with a white and blue ball.......088090071

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