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What vehicle do you use for BF?

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my trusty honda civic, since i don't buy that much. i think last year i took that to fry's, but i wasn't buying anything large, just a bunch of parts. the hardest part was finding a shopping cart to throw all the parts in.
My friends drove last year. Two cars. This year, we all have better or stable jobs but we're all kinda broke. Last year, I think we had more money to spend. lol

The only things I buy on BF are the really bottomed-out priced toys or stocking stuffers (the other I buy now online and at sales).


So, since I don't have anything big to carry, I just take my Taurus. It's easier to whip in and out of lanes than hubby's F150.

Well, my girlfriend that i meet up with has a Durango, so we usually start with that. Once we fill it up, we go back to my Expedition, or this year I might take the Impala, since it has a huge trunk........and unload or just change cars and start over empty........lol.
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