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Disappointed in Sing-a-ma-jigs

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I bought my 1 year old 4 sing a ma jigs for Christmas. I just opened the box and I think they are really dumb LOL. I was so happy cause I thought this would be a great gift for him. There's no way he could make them play by himself. I thought when you pushed a button, they would all sing a whole song together. Instead, it's one sound and the sound isn't even all that great. I will be taking these back to Walmart when I go. It's sad too.... I'm kinda at a loss for what to get him since he's really too young to need much of anything, especially since I have 4 older kids. Toys are pretty abundant around here LOL
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I have a 1 yr old GD and I thought they were pretty stupid looking too.I didn't want any of them.I am sure with all the new toys out you can find something for him.I got my grandaughter a ride on toy and a shopping cart and a DVD player for the car as she hates to ride.Her birthday is in December also.Good Luck
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Yea, I saw these on the shelf at Target and got all excited....I rarely find 'hot' toys. So I started playing with them and blechhh. How boring....they don't play any kind of melody, song or even harmonize without pressing the buttons over and over and that would get old if you had all 4. Glad I wasn't the only one to miss the boat LOL
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OMG, I think they are hilarious!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't stop laughing as I played with them in the store. I got one for each of my grandchildren and when I showed it to my daughter as I laughed hysterically, she said " they are just plain scary!!!" That made me laugh even harder.

These would be a riot for adult brothers and sisters as a gag gift, and they could all play them at once. hahahhahahaha:

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I picked these up for my 1yr old nephew. I could not get my own children to keep there hands off of these. I have 3 girls 12, 11, and 8. They all love this toy and won't stop playing with it. I guess we are just a musical loving family and like to harmonize these together.
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