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Black Friday shopping tradition under attack?


Black Friday shopping tradition under attack?  

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  1. 1. Black Friday shopping tradition under attack?

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Black Friday for my family is not about camping out, it's about being together, whether we load up and go to the brick-and-mortar stores or all sit around the kitchen table with our laptops and order items online. Black Friday is so exciting for us because it kicks off our Christmas season! I don't think Black Friday is under attack, I think it's changing to adapt to more tech savvy shoppers!
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I don't know. Last year I did most online and sent my hubby to B&M stores. I did do Menards tho. I just don't feel very safe anymore. People are ruthless and I got injured at Wal-mart a couple of years ago. Stood in line (number 3) outside since 10pm the night before. When doors opened I was literally pushed by a big dude (who just arrived and ran up) I was slammed up against the window and caught between the two doors. It was very scary because the crowd doesn't stop. I had floor burns and a concussion. All because someone cheated.


I will do Menards, Walgreens, and those kinds of stores. But I send my big hubby for electronics!

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I love the tradition of going out BF with my sis, mom and bff every year. It isn't just about the sales to me, if my kids really want something they will get it anyway reguardless of being a doorbuster or not. If I happen to catch a good deal that is great I will not get into a fight with anyone over a toy (not worth it). I love watching the the excitement of some ppl as they are waiting in line discussing deals, talking about families, one year we met someone in line and we worked together as we were looking at similar items so grabbed 2 instead of one (some ppl are rreally nice) so even with online shopping becoming more popular I know my family will continue to go out at 3am every BF. I was unable to go on year (due to having premature twins a week earlier) it was devastating to me to know i missed out on one of my favorite traditions.
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The art of physical shopping on BF is not even close to being threatened or under attack. From everything that I've seen, exactly the opposite is happening. As our city has grown at a rapid pace, more and more retail stores have been opening two or three new locations withing 15 miles of each other. Still, there are more and more shoppers lining up every year. I think that most people are shopping online in addition to physically doing it later during the day.
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for me the tradition of getting my free snowglode from JCPenny is one tradition that just is on bf... yes the deals change but the experience and the temporary comradeship that is felt with the other people freezing the butt off at 4 or 5 am is also part f the tradition. I don't think i have ever had a bad bf experience so i think i still have my rose colored glasses on.
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Talking about online shopping. My biggest problem is getting my orders cancelled. I have money in the bank so that is not the issue, but every year w/o fail, something gets cancelled. I've had a laptop cancelled the last two years from NEX; I've had two laptops cancelled from BestBuy in the last few years and numerous other things from different retailers including Radio Shack and ToysRus. All of these after I have checked out and received my confirmation. To prove a point, I just had an order on Amazon cancelled yesterday. That is the downfall with shopping online. At a B&M store, they don't chase you down in the parking lot and take the product away from you like they do online :tongue1:. If you don't believe me, just read my signature (it has read' Don't get cancelled' for a few years). Both ways of shopping have their PROS and CONS.
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