shoppinmama Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 bigjimslade said: They do have a Black Friday clauseCorrect if I'm wrong please, but it looks like this is for Price Matching, not Price Adjusting. I have also purchased black friday deals on the Wednesday before and received a refund during the sales event hours. I had no problem at all getting a refund. It does have to be the exact item and during the sale hours to get your refund. Here's what they have posted on their web-site about their Price Adjustment policy...
shoppinmama Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 I should add that I did ask someone in CS in advance if they would give me an adjustment on BF if I purchased it early and they said they would with a receipt and during the sales event. You might want to ask at your store just to be sure if it is a must have item.
bigjimslade Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 My advice to anyone is to talk to your local manager, take names and make sure you and the local manager are on the same terms. I know some managers see Price Matching and Price Adjusting as the same. It is better to be safe.
shoppinmama Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 bigjimslade said: My advice to anyone is to talk to your local manager, take names and make sure you and the local manager are on the same terms. I know some managers see Price Matching and Price Adjusting as the same. It is better to be safe. Absolutely!
elena_398 Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 Manager at my target told me this the other day. She said opening is 4am
elena_398 Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 my target also told me they would NOT price match for BF for doorbusters
Grants Dad Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 This is going to make for good entertainment. The little shopping area directly West of us has a SuperWalmart on the north side of the road, an Office Max south of it, a Target across the highway, and a gas station that is certain to make a mint on caffeinated beverages directly in-between.... Me.... I shall be at Menards!
Kibit13 Posted October 12, 2010 Posted October 12, 2010 Last year I emailed Targets store Customer Service and they said that yes they would do price adjustments. I printed out this email and brought it with me just in case I had any issues and thankfully I did not. I love that they do this because their are some Black Fridays where I can't get to Target. I try to buy there when I can because they are closest to me and I like that if I lose my receipt they can look it up on my card. I can see that they wouldn't PA doorbusters, but I haven't purchased any of them lately so it was never an issue for me.
conleybunch Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Oh my, the stress of what store to go to first. It will depend on who has the better ad.
3 boys Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 fluffkin79 said: But that would mean *GASP* browsing on BF! This is not allowed! Who has time or trunk space for non-doorbusters? Too Funny I feel the same way!
Rockfordmom Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 Last year I was returning something (at the customer service desk) a couple days before BF and I told the cashier that I wanted to buy something but wanted to wait because it was something that "might" be on sale for BF and she told me to buy it now and get it adjusted on BF (I knew the item would be on sale) so I wrote down her name. I had no problems on BF getting the adjustment.
Tara3117 Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 Target doesn't usually do Doorbusters, do they? I thought their sale usually ran for two days. I usually hit Target last because there's no time pressure. Of course, if the open at 4 AND have time-sensitive deals, I'm going to be in trouble!
sweetdiggity Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 Tara3117 said: Target doesn't usually do Doorbusters, do they? I thought their sale usually ran for two days. I usually hit Target last because there's no time pressure. Of course, if the open at 4 AND have time-sensitive deals, I'm going to be in trouble! Yeah I think most of their deals are 2 day sales (love that!) I can't remember if they do "5 hours only" sales like Walmart does! Anyone know?
Yakyma Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 I love getting in line early and is part of the if they open earlier, I will just leave the house and hour or so earlier, since I never go to bed on Thanksgiving night, it means less killing time at home waiting to leave...LOL...As for being in two places at once, since there is a group of us, half at Walmart with our list and half of us at Target with their list, with an occasional someone at Staples, Office Depot, Penney's or Sears. We always manage to get everything we are really wanting. Working with a group that is all on the same page works very well...I have taught my daughters well, along with all significant others... I am looking forward to an earlier opening, more time to shop.
zim05 Posted October 26, 2010 Posted October 26, 2010 Last year they changed from 6am to 5am and now to 4am...well it does make it a bit more difficult to get everywhere when they open. I think regardless, to some degree, of the ads we will be waiting at Target. Usually while my sister and I are waiting at Target, my mom and aunt are hit up Herbergers and get back at Target before they open, but we will have to figure out something else since they are both opening at the same time this year. Oh well, maybe an earlier opening time will equal a little less people out and about??! Probably not
Child0fGod Posted October 29, 2010 Posted October 29, 2010 sweet! great info to know! target opens at 4am! thanks all.
jediliz Posted October 29, 2010 Posted October 29, 2010 I'll probably go to Target (and that's it), but not at 4 AM (I have to rely on my dad or mom to take me since I don't drive) and there's no way either one will drive me there that early. Last year I got a $25 iTunes gift card for $20 (hope they have a deal like that again) and spent enough for the morning for a free $10 gift card. I just wish there wasn't such chaos on Black Friday and that some deals were available online (i mean like the gift card deals or the special deals on iTunes cards). The earliest I'll be able to get to Target this year is MAYBE 6:30 AM. I would love to see good deals on DS games (and not fake sale prices... regular prices are NOT sale prices....) and they have to be GOOD the cheap sounding games.
Tara3117 Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 I'm really torn now that they've announced that there will be doorbusters. I had been hitting up Kohl's first every year and Target at the end of the day, but I might need to switch that up. I still don't know what I'm buying people, but it's looking like Target might be where it's at.
b_parks Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 I am praying Wal-Mart doesn't open until 5, so I can do Target then Wal-Mart otherwise I don't know what I will do!!!!
chaoz Posted November 9, 2010 Posted November 9, 2010 b_parks said: I am praying Wal-Mart doesn't open until 5, so I can do Target then Wal-Mart otherwise I don't know what I will do!!!!if you got to WM 30 mins before they opened you would be about 500th inline
riven3d Posted November 9, 2010 Posted November 9, 2010 depends on the walmart, stores near me are all 24 hours, so no line to wait in
b_parks Posted November 9, 2010 Posted November 9, 2010 My Wal-Marts are 24 Hours too and we never have a problem going 30 minutes before, I don't go for the electronics or big ticket items, I usually get the cheap toys, dvd's and games.
allshoppedout Posted November 9, 2010 Posted November 9, 2010 Rockfordmom said: They want you to wait in line and shop at their store not their competitors. Every store wants you to pick, and they want you to pick them. Door Busters (many BF items) are not big money makers for the stores, they are hoping that while you are in their store shopping that you grab a couple things that are not on sale (moneymakers).The only way that that ^happens is if I buy some gum or mints to consume while inline :) nothing else! The stores do want you to pick and it can be a hard decision, especially when you don't have a "team" I don't have any close friends/relatives that take part in BF, so we can't take a store and depend on someone else to get us something elsewhere however-they don't dare ask us to pick something up for them or I give them the Little Red Hen story...
Kristinshops Posted November 10, 2010 Posted November 10, 2010 im going to be honest...I kinda hope walmart does better with there ad so I can go there.....ive never went to target for doorbusters on bf.....and would be afraid to start not sure how it all works and would be afraid id lose a doorbuster trying to figure it walmart is open 24 hours and target isnt so it would be either standing in the cold versus lines inside a ill keep my fingers crossed I guess
khuddle Posted November 11, 2010 Posted November 11, 2010 Kristinshops said: im going to be honest...I kinda hope walmart does better with there ad so I can go there.....ive never went to target for doorbusters on bf.....and would be afraid to start not sure how it all works and would be afraid id lose a doorbuster trying to figure it walmart is open 24 hours and target isnt so it would be either standing in the cold versus lines inside a ill keep my fingers crossed I guessI go to Target every year and they are super organized. I really like the way everything works there. Good luck making your decision, but if you like Targets ad better do not worry too much. They even hand out maps!
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