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Free Eggs on Facebook (Dead) - Did anyone see this?

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Putting this here instead of the Free forum because the offer is now dead. Did anyone see the offer for free eggs on Facebook. It was in the form of a coupon you could print. Apparently the response was overwhelming and more than their servers could handle (like we haven't seen that before!) . Well a bunch of people did not get there coupons. Enough did to make me think this was a real offer. Still, what I find so funny is how upset these people are getting over a dozen eggs! If you go to the fb page and read some of their rants it's downright hilarious. I know times are tight for allot of people right now but seriously if you get that bent out of shape over a $1.50 carton of eggs then you need help.... seriously!
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Which reminds me. I never quite got the point of advertising campaigns for certain products. Eggs for one. Not a brand of eggs. Just eggs. Is there really someone sitting out there somewhere that said, "hmm... eggs I forgot about those!". Milk has undoubtedly spent billions on advertising. I would be interested to see what a difference it made in their sales. I can see somewhat the point of advertising milk and getting it out there as a alternative beverage to soda and whatnot. But then you have advertising for things like electricity and coal. I'll never forget the day I was sitting at home and watching my battery powered TV in my freezing cold house, and I saw a commercial and realized I should go out and get myself some ELECTRICITY! :razz:
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