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Zhu Zhu Pets package at TRU Sunday


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I know this is late, but I just got off work and my TRU in Newark, DE is having some sort of package deal with Zhu Zhu pets for $129.00 (?). It includes 2 pets and and some accessories. Just heard about it in passing and don't know all the details as to what is included except for the 2 pets. As always, better line up early.
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I was in TRU yesterday getting 2 Zhu Zhu's and they said that starting Sunday they would have the whole city on sale for $129.00..this includes


The Zhu Zhu Pets Hamsters Giant Hamster City Playset includes Fun House, Hamster Wheel, Hamster Car and Garage, Sleep Dome, Adventure Ball, and two Zhu Zhu Pet Hamsters.


They open at 7 and the clerk said people would be camping out for these...I am NOT one of them.

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I was in TRU yesterday getting 2 Zhu Zhu's and they said that starting Sunday they would have the whole city on sale for $129.00..this includes


The Zhu Zhu Pets Hamsters Giant Hamster City Playset includes Fun House, Hamster Wheel, Hamster Car and Garage, Sleep Dome, Adventure Ball, and two Zhu Zhu Pet Hamsters.


They open at 7 and the clerk said people would be camping out for these...I am NOT one of them.

Saw it in todays ad, front page

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I really do not understand the whole 'hype' of this damned toy is.. Its kinda ridiculous.. People camping out at all hours of the day just for some HAMSTERS. Seriously, come on now.. Ridiculous I tell ya..


Yeah one of my daughters would LOVE one of these cause they lost their real life hamster a while back, but still.. NOT gonna be one of those idiots standing out in the cold, and snowy (at least it is here) weather just for a damned HAMSTER..


That and I don't have $130+ to pay for these...


Okay done venting :P



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I kind of figure these will go the way of beanie babies in a few months. It never ceases to amaze me what people will do to get the "hot" toy. If it is that insane to get, we just tell our kids no. Or we tell them that we'll wait till we can get it reasonably. It looks like ebay is flooded with them already. They are selling for about $190 + S/H.
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I went to my local CVS to see if they had any because I thought my 5 year old niece might enjoy it for Christmas. The manager said they were sold out and that I could check on ebay because that's probably where they all are..that people were buying them 10+ at a time when they put them on the shelves. Umm..no thank you. I'm not paying an outrageous amount on ebay for one...my niece hasn't even asked for them..I just thought if I could happen to get one she *might* like it. Don't get the frenzy over them though. :(
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My dd told me she has to have one. I figured if I could get one for $9 I would pick one up that way in Feb when she was done playing with it the cats would have a blast..

I only bought 2 hamsters, $7.49 a piece for my granddaughter. I thought the same things when she is done with them in a month or so my cats will love them.

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Thanks for sharing, Andrea. I have a rewards card but never got that email. Although I'm not into the zhu zhu pets, I perched right up when I saw the coupon for the Similac. I was just there today and purchased 1 case ($35.94). Looks like I'm going tomorrow to return that one and then purchase the 3 I would be allowed. Then I would have also hit my 9 cases and then I would get a free one. Thanks, again. :)
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