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BestBuy.com Black Friday Sale

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They'll be available; because, the packages went live at 12. They were not listed prior to that. Just keep hitting refresh... and put a new keyboard in your cart as well.
Man...I wanted to wait til my child went to sleep to buy the kodak m381 camera for 99.99 (GREAT PRICE) and they changed the darn price to 169.99. Boooooo! :eek:
im so dumb christina I should have made a macro so I can go to sleep now lol but im staying up as late as possible bc its either buy it now or camp out at microcenter all night

Hey Brad - Any ideas, do they drop the computer "coming soon" logos last?

I'm not Brad, but I think whoever is at BB is watching this thread, laughing their rears off, just waiting to see how long you guys will wait! :P



Is a Compaq netbook better than an Acer netbook? Got one at Target on Monday, but now I might get this one and take the Acer back...

I bought the one from Target as well (and is the one that I am already wearing out the F5 key on as we speak). I like it alot, the only thing is that the keyboard and touch pad size size is taking some getting used to with my big bear claws.


I'm not Brad, but I think whoever is at BB is watching this thread, laughing their rears off, just waiting to see how long you guys will wait! :P


LMAO... Let one of those suckers walk out the door with a mob of people. I bet you'd never see someone run so fast :)


I dont think better just cheaper.lol

This one would be for my 5 year old son. He can't tear it up and I don't care, for 179...:tongue1:


Actually, I think I am more likely to break the computer than he is!


I bought the one from Target as well (and is the one that I am already wearing out the F5 key on as we speak). I like it alot, the only thing is that the keyboard and touch pad size size is taking some getting used to with my big bear claws.

I'm worried about the size, too, but I guess you can't beat being able to carry a computer in your purse!


Main Entry: soon

Pronunciation: \ˈsün, especially New England ˈsu̇n\

Function: adverb

Etymology: Middle English soone, from Old English sōna; akin to Old High German sān immediately

Date: before 12th century


1 a obsolete : at once : immediately b : without undue time lapse : before long <soon after sunrise>

2 : in a prompt manner : speedily <as soon as possible> <the sooner the better> <no sooner said than done>

3 archaic : before the usual time

4 : in agreement with one's choice or preference : willingly <I'd just as soon walk as drive



Think Best Buy needs to study their definitions again!

I think the coming soon signs are going to come off at 3 am, so that it's 12am pacific time. i feel they are trying to give everyone a chance or just have the whole country buy it when it's the 26th. but we shall see. i'm stalking the ps3 btw. if i don't get it today, i'm definitely going to go insane and get it on wal mart tomorrow night!!!

This one would be for my 5 year old son. He can't tear it up and I don't care, for 179...:tongue1:


Actually, I think I am more likely to break the computer than he is!

For a 5 y/o I think it would work fine, just remember that it does not come with an internal CD-ROM drive. That may or may not be an issue.

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